
From The Sarkhan Nexus
PahPen - The Social Butterfly With a Reckless Streak

In the colorful tapestry of life, there are characters who stand out with their exuberance, unbridled enthusiasm, and an insatiable appetite for social interaction. One such character in our story is MoNoRi-Chan's mom, affectionately known as PahPen, a woman who has carved her own unique path through the world.


PahPen is the embodiment of extroversion. Her love for socializing knows no bounds, and she thrives in the company of others. You'll often find her at community gatherings, charity events, and local clubs like the Lions or Rotary Club, where her infectious energy brightens every room. She's the life of the party, the one who can strike up a conversation with anyone, and the first to volunteer for a good cause.

As a Massage therapist, PahPen is well-versed in the art of relaxation and healing. Her hands have worked wonders for countless clients, and she's known for her ability to melt away stress and tension. It's a profession that suits her extroverted nature, allowing her to connect with people on a physical and emotional level.

However, PahPen's exuberance doesn't always come without consequences. Her zest for life is matched by her recklessness when it comes to financial decisions, particularly with her credit card. She has a penchant for swiping that plastic excessively, often making impulse purchases and maxing out her card. Her monthly ritual includes paying only the minimum balance, a practice that perpetuates a growing debt.

One quirk of PahPen's life is her inability to obtain a driver's license, which makes her heavily reliant on her son MoNoRi-Chan's trusty Prius for daily commutes. The car has become a symbol of their unique mother-son relationship, as MoNoRi-Chan chauffeurs her to various social engagements and work.

Despite her propensity for reckless spending and her credit card woes, PahPen has a heart of gold. She extends her generosity not just to friends but to relatives back in Thailand who are struggling in the post-Covid economy. Her desire to help others sometimes takes precedence over her own well-being, and she goes to great lengths to support her loved ones.

However, there's a shadow that looms over PahPen's otherwise vibrant life – her involvement in a dubious financial scheme known as Promom, or เงินบุญ. Convinced that this is her ticket to quick riches, she has been pouring money into this scheme since 2018, blinded by the promises of high returns. Unlike Bitcoin, which many older generations view with suspicion, Promom has become her gamble of choice.

To MoNoRi-Chan, Promom might as well be a sinking ship. The money invested in this ill-fated scheme seems to have disappeared into the void, with no visible returns in sight. It's a situation that mirrors the addiction of gambling, with the hope of a big win keeping PahPen hooked, even as her investments seem to dwindle.

In the world of PahPen, social goodwill and a desire for a quick fortune collide, creating a complex character who reminds us that life is a mixture of exuberance, recklessness, and boundless hope. PahPen's journey is a reminder that even the most vivacious personalities can be ensnared by the allure of get-rich-quick schemes, and that the line between generosity and neglect can sometimes blur in the pursuit of dreams.

As PahPen continues her dance through life, we can only hope that she finds a balance between her zest for socializing, her financial decisions, and her desire for goodwill. In her story, we find a reflection of the complexities and contradictions that make us all human.


Act I: Chiang Mai

PahPen's story is a tapestry of ups and downs, filled with twists and turns that have shaped her life and the life of her son, MoNoRi-Chan. It all began in a middle-class house, where a family lived a seemingly ordinary life. However, the tranquil facade would soon crumble, leading to a series of events that would forever alter their trajectory.

The first turning point arrived in the form of a divorce. PahPen and MoNoRi-Chan's father parted ways, marking the end of their life as a conventional family. This divorce set the stage for a "เช่าเขาอยู่" (Just Renting) lifestyle, where they moved from one rented home to another, leaving behind memories of a more stable life.

The divorce court decree stipulated that MoNoRi-Chan's father would provide 1.6 million baht in cash to purchase a house for their son and put it on his name, not tradable until he become one's legal age. However, PahPen had other plans. Instead of acquiring a property, she chose to invest the money elsewhere, a decision that would remain hidden from MoNoRi-Chan, who was still in his innocent years.

In 2015, PahPen's pursuit of a mortgage on a home hit a roadblock due to insufficient income. Having become close neighbor to Professor Atts's house, they shared some childhood memories together for a short while. This setback led to a period where MoNoRi-Chan and his mom found themselves living apart, with MoNoRi-Chan residing in an apartment closer to NCPS school while PahPen moved in with ชาญ4ตา, a character whose role in the story would soon deepen.

Act II: Los Angeles

Amidst the turmoil, PahPen took a different path. She immersed herself in the study of Thai Traditional Medicine and herbs, eventually flying to the United States to "volunteer work" as a massage therapist. Her journey in America began, and she supported MoNoRi-Chan financially as he pursued his studies at INT University.

Eventually, PahPen's marriage to a Thai U.S. Citizen named Tony offered her a green card so she lives legally in the States. Which then sponsored MoNoRi-Chan's immigrant visa into the States. So MoNoRi-Chan dropped out of the University and liquidated all his assets and then moved into the States.

Before flying to the States, life has a way of testing even the strongest spirits. PahPen was introduced to a sketchy investment scheme called Promom by ชาญ4ตา, promising lucrative returns for minimal investments. The allure of easy money proved too tempting, and she found herself ensnared in a cycle of investments that drained her resources.

This cycle of investment continued as PahPen sometimes used MoNoRi-Chan's bank account to funnel money into the Promom scheme, leaving little room for his own financial endeavors which could possibly be used in some more obvious scams such as Ethereum and Dogecoin. It was a precarious situation, one that strained their relationship.

After a time and constant habit of pouring money down in the drain which Tony displeased, the marriage dissolved. And Tony went his separate way. PahPen remained in the same house, now shared with an "Old Man" who owned the property, a house that would become a backdrop for the unfolding drama.

As circumstances evolved, MoNoRi-Chan was pressured by Old Man to get a job so he ventured into the world of employment, securing a job at GTV Company. The morning commute to work was a challenge, as he didn't have a car at the time, relying on Uber rides to get to the office.

In a significant decision, MoNoRi-Chan purchased a Prius, viewing it as a long-term investment. His mother supported the endeavor, contributing some funds to facilitate the acquisition. Yet, the looming shadow of Promom and financial instability still loomed large.

As unemployment benefits came through, PahPen seized the opportunity to clear her mounting credit card debt. With her financial affairs in order, she made a decision for vacation – to return to Thailand. Little did she know that this decision would set the stage for the next chapter in her tumultuous journey.

Act III: Thailand Vacation

PahPen's journey continues, marked by a series of events that test her resilience and her relationship with her son, MoNoRi-Chan. After calling off work, she decided to return to her homeland, Thailand, for a couple of months. She made it clear to her employers in the United States that her position should be preserved during her absence, hoping to resume her work upon her return. However, what awaited her in Thailand was a series of choices that would shape the next chapter of her life.

Back in Thailand, PahPen found herself using her credit card excessively, almost as if she believed it was an endless source of free money. This unchecked spending spree led her to make various purchases, including appliances like a fridge and an air conditioner for ชาญ4ตา's flat. But little did she know that these purchases would only deepen her financial woes.

PahPen's relationship with ชาญ4ตา took a sour turn as she realized she was being taken advantage of. She had been spending her money on groceries and food for monks without any contribution from ชาญ4ตา. Arguments ensued, leading to her eviction from the flat. She found herself moving around Chiang Mai, relying on her son's purchased 1996 Nissan Presea and couch-surfing at friends' houses.

MoNoRi-Chan, back in the United States and working for minimum wage, faced a difficult decision when his mother asked him to pay off her credit card debts. He refused, believing it was not his responsibility. This decision strained their relationship further, eventually resulting in the closure of her bank accounts and credit cards.

As inflation began to take its toll, and with a reduction in work hours, MoNoRi-Chan attempted to negotiate a raise but failed. Frustrated by the situation, he decided to quit his job and return to Thailand for the second time in August to assist his friend in the cannabis business.

PahPen, on the other hand, remained in Chiang Mai, unable to return to Los Angeles due to a storm that disrupted flights. Stranded at Bangkok airport, she slept on terminal seats for two days before finding refuge at her friend's house in the city, where she stayed for several weeks.

Act IV: Going back to work

The situation in Chiang Mai took a turn when the "Old Man" fell seriously ill, losing his ability to walk. He decided to pay for PahPen's return ticket to take care of him. With his departure, MoNoRi-Chan moved his computer station into the master bedroom, making it his own as the house eventually went up for sale.

Over time, PahPen began to realize the red flags associated with Promom, the sketchy investment scheme she had been entangled in for so long. Constant delays and disappointments started to chip away at her trust in the system, leading her to question the choices she had made.

MoNoRi-Chan, while still planning his own move, watched his mother's journey unfold, hoping that one day she would find her way back to financial stability and peace of mind. As the chapters of their lives continued to unfold, the story of PahPen and MoNoRi-Chan remained intertwined, a tale of trials and tribulations in a changing world.