
From The Sarkhan Nexus

Underworld Version of TNI (Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology)

Tales from the INT

In the hallowed halls of INT University, the echoes of MoNoRi-Chan's departure lingered, leaving behind a void that was filled with a new chapter in the life of his significant other. Once a student navigating the intricacies of academia, they had now assumed the role of an instructor, tasked with imparting knowledge to the next generation of students.

As a Gen Z professor facing Gen Z students, the challenges were abundant. The ever-evolving landscape of education demanded adaptability, and the juxtaposition of youthful enthusiasm and the seasoned wisdom of MoNoRi-Chan's partner became apparent.

One evening, after spending the night with MoNoRi-Chan, the professor opened up about the nuances of academia. They shared a revelation that shook MoNoRi-Chan to his core—the existence of professors who seemed to be on autopilot, teaching merely to "withdraw the invested capital." This stark truth shed light on a disheartening aspect of the academic world, where outdated curricula and employee shortages forced instructors into roles they may not be passionate about.

This revelation stirred a profound sense of concern within MoNoRi-Chan. He couldn't fathom the idea of individuals entrusted with shaping young minds lacking the genuine zeal for education. It prompted him to reflect on the stark differences within the institution.

In the computer department, MoNoRi-Chan found solace in the expertise of a professor who had once worked in cybersecurity for Thailand's renowned "color code blue" bank. This individual, a practitioner in the field, represented the embodiment of true mastery. MoNoRi-Chan, having studied alongside "the real deal," drew a stark comparison to the uninspired demeanor he discovered elsewhere.

Armed with this newfound awareness, MoNoRi-Chan couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination. If the university harbored such disparities, it fueled his commitment to drive positive change, ensuring that education remained a beacon of inspiration rather than a mere transaction. As the story unfolded within the academic realms of INT University, the presence of MoNoRi-Chan continued to cast ripples, influencing not only his significant other but also sparking a realization that the pursuit of knowledge should be fueled by passion and dedication, not just the ticking of the clock.