
From The Sarkhan Nexus
The Sojourner Spirit: MoNoRi-Chan's Ingress Journey and Life Lessons

The Sojourner: A Traveler with Purpose

In the world of this dog game known as Ingress, a "Sojourner" badge is awarded to agents who hack portals every consecutive 24 hours. But being a Sojourner goes beyond just accumulating points. It's a mindset – a commitment to exploration, cultural immersion, and leaving a positive mark on the places you visit.

MoNoRi-Chan's Sojourner Journey: A Reflection of Life

MoNoRi-Chan's dedication to his 83-day Sojourner streak reflects a deeper philosophy that translates to other aspects of his life. Let's explore how his Ingress experience might influence his:

  • Money Management: A Sojourner prioritizes resourcefulness. They need to manage their in-game items (like Cubes, Keys, Resos) efficiently to capture portals and create links. This translates to financial responsibility in real life. MoNoRi-Chan after learning the hard way of credit card, he prioritizes responsible spending, budgeting for travel and necessities while still having resources for his Ingress pursuits.
  • Time Management: Maintaining a Sojourner streak requires excellent time management. MoNoRi-Chan has to dedicate time each day to exploring new areas and playing the game. This translates to an ability to prioritize tasks and maximize his time effectively. He likely plans his days strategically, balancing Ingress with work, commute, and other commitments.
  • Adaptability: A Sojourner encounters new environments daily. They need to adapt their strategies and tactics based on the location and local competition. In real life, MoNoRi-Chan is highly adaptable, his spatial intelligence makes him comfortable navigating unfamiliar situations and problem-solving on the fly.

Beyond the Game: Lessons Learned

MoNoRi-Chan's Sojourner journey isn't just about collecting portal keys. It's a training ground for valuable life skills:

  • Discipline: Maintaining a 4000 daily streak requires consistent effort, a trait that benefits him in all aspects of life.
  • Openness to New Experiences: Sojourners embrace the unknown. MoNoRi-Chan's travels likely fostered a sense of curiosity and a willingness to step outside his comfort zone.
  • Cultural Appreciation: Exploring new locations cultivates an appreciation for diverse cultures and ways of life. MoNoRi-Chan's encounters with fellow Ingress players from various backgrounds likely broadened his perspective.

The Sojourner's Legacy

MoNoRi-Chan's Ingress journey is a testament to the power of exploration and mindful gaming. His dedication and respect for the game translate to valuable life skills – resourcefulness, adaptability, and a thirst for knowledge. He is a role model for responsible gaming, leaving a positive footprint not just in the digital world of Ingress, but also in the communities he visits.

Modified Saitama's Grindset

Here's a breakdown of how you can modify Saitama's intense grindset into achievable goals for MoNoRi-Chan, the Sojourner Agent:

From 100 Sit-Ups to Ingress Activities:

  • 10 Portal Captures per Day: This is a great starting point! It encourages you to get out there, explore your city, and engage with the Ingress world. You can gradually increase this number as you get more comfortable.
  • Walking 8-10km per Day: As discussed earlier, this is a fantastic way to transform Ingress into an unintentional fitness tracker. Walking to capture portals fulfills both in-game goals and physical activity needs.

Additional Grindset Ideas for MoNoRi-Chan:

  • Link Up!: Set a daily or weekly target for the number of links you want to create. This strengthens the ENL network and earns you additional Agent Points (AP).
  • HACKer Challenge: Challenge yourself to hack/farm a specific number of friendly portals daily. This keeps you stocked up on Items, keys and helps other agents in your faction.
  • Field Day: Dedicate a specific day each week to focus on creating fields. Plan your route beforehand to maximize the number of linked portals you can capture within an area.
  • Agent Alliance: Team up with fellow ENL agents for collaborative gameplay. Organize joint missions to capture portals, link territories, or create massive fields.
  • Daily Intel Review: Spend a few minutes each day reviewing the Ingress intel map. Identify opportunities to capture weak Resistance portals or strategically link existing ones.


  • Consistency is Key: The goal is to make these activities a regular habit. Even small, consistent efforts will yield results over time.
  • Start Slow, Gradually Increase: Don't overwhelm yourself. Begin with achievable goals and gradually increase the difficulty as you get fitter and more experienced in Ingress.
  • Make it Fun: Mix things up! Explore new areas, try different tactics, and connect with other agents. This will keep your Ingress experience enjoyable.

By incorporating these elements, you can create a sustainable "grindset" for MoNoRi-Chan that combines Ingress gameplay with real-world exploration and fitness benefits. Remember, unlike Saitama, you don't need to lose all your hair – just have fun, conquer some portals, and become the Sojourner legend of Los Angeles!