Ingress/Responsible Gaming

From The Sarkhan Nexus
MoNoRi-Chan's Sojourner Day 83: Reflections on a Respectful Journey

Today's Ingress outing left a bitter taste in my mouth. Witnessing a Thai couple deface a bridge in Japan with their names as a graffiti was a stark reminder that E3 habits can be seen everywhere and respecting the place isn't always universal. Thankfully, another kind soul stepped in to clean up the mess, a small act that restored a bit of faith in humanity.

This incident sparked a reflection on my own 83-day Sojourner streak. As a professional Ingress sojourner, I've traveled across not just this country, but also leaving my mark not with a spray can, but with strategic portal captures and intricate link creations. My collection of portal keys isn't just a digital trophy case; it's a testament to the diverse landscapes and communities I've encountered.

More Than Just a Game

Ingress isn't just about dominating the playing field. It's about exploring hidden corners, appreciating different cultures, and forging connections with fellow players. Every portal I capture, every link I forge, is a digital footprint for a place I've walked, a virtual handshake with the local Ingress community.

Respecting the Canvas

The world is our game board, and we have a responsibility to treat it with respect. Unlike those vandals, I choose to leave a positive mark. Maybe it's a helping hand to a new player, a friendly exchange with a rival agent, or simply leaving a portal spot looking better than when I found it.

The Journey Continues

Today's article served as a reminder of the importance of responsible gaming. As I continue my Sojourner journey, I'll strive to be an ambassador for Ingress, promoting respect for the physical and digital landscapes we explore. The next portal awaits, a new key to add to my collection, another piece of this incredible adventure.

End of Log

Additional Notes

  • This log entry uses MoNoRi-Chan's perspective to highlight the importance of respectful gameplay in Ingress.
  • It contrasts destructive vandalism with the positive mark MoNoRi-Chan leaves through strategic gameplay and exploration.
  • The focus on cultural appreciation and community building adds depth to MoNoRi-Chan's character.
  • The ending leaves the reader wanting more, eager to follow MoNoRi-Chan on his future Ingress endeavors.