Shorts:To teach a Man to Fish

From The Sarkhan Nexus

After arrival by le tren from the morning streets of NeoBangkok Outskirts at Rangsit 200 Years Market, MoNoRi-Chan, also known as MoNoRick, had carved out his territory for the Ingress Green Faction, establishing his dominance in the virtual realm. But beyond the digital battlegrounds; MoNoRick had another mission – to teach the art of trading to those lost in the world of online slots.

In the dimly lit Grassstation Cannabis Dispensary of Pathum Thani, MoNoRi-Chan, with a wry smile playing on his lips, found himself in an unusual role – that of a guide through the treacherous labyrinth of financial speculation. He asked His pupils, if they have quitted online slots, the employees of Grassstion; former gambling addicts were eager to explore the world of Perpetual Futures Contracts, drawn to the allure of making money while they slept.

But MoNoRi-Chan, ever the realist, knew that the road to riches was paved with pitfalls and potholes. He didn't sugarcoat the truth; instead, he painted a stark picture of the harsh realities of trading. "Perps" he explained", are like playing a game of Baccarat, where you're constantly betting on banker or player, hoping to come out on top. But the cards are always flipping sides, and the odds are never in your favor."

His pupils listened intently, their eyes wide with a mix of excitement and apprehension. MoNoRi-Chan continued, his voice tinged with cynicism, "You might think you're buying low, but did you really get in at the right price and time? Only Mr. Market and Time will tell"

As the conversation unfolded, MoNoRi-Chan spared no detail, did make $0.5 on $6 account; recounting his own experiences of being liquidated by the merciless forces of the market. "Once you've been liquidated," he quipped, "you're no longer a 'futures virgin.' It's a harsh lesson, but one that many traders learn the hard way"

And yet, despite the risks, MoNoRi-Chan couldn't deny the allure of the market. With a sly grin, he told his pupils to register an account with the Exchange, launched into a demo account demonstration, showcasing the thrill of trading without the fear of losing real money. "Think of it as a dress rehearsal for the real thing," he chuckled, "because in this game, practice makes perfect."

As the session drew to a close, MoNoRi-Chan's pupils left with a newfound appreciation for the complexities of the market. They knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but armed with MoNoRi-Chan's guidance, they felt ready to take on whatever Mr. Market threw their way. And as they ventured forth into the world of trading, they knew that they had a cynical yet wise mentor in MoNoRi-Chan, guiding them every step of the way.

Then at the final of the story, MoNoRi-Chan introduced a the concept of Stablecoin to his friends – For example: Tether Chips, a "Catel" stablecoin currency accepted worldwide. Just like how cigarettes offered temporary relief to those grappling with addiction, Tether Chips served as a safe haven for investors seeking stability amidst the volatility of the market. And with each Tether Chip sold, MoNoRi-Chan saw not only financial gain by the cartel but also a bigger game – the eternal chase between the Feds and the Cartel and amongst the chaos; a future where greed and addiction no longer held sway, replaced instead by a newfound sense of empowerment and financial security.

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