
From The Sarkhan Nexus
Pov you just copytraded some rando on the internet
My Descent into Copytrading Hell: A Cautionary Tale (with Extra Commissions)

Yo! MoNoRi-Chan here, your resident guinea pig of the financial realm. Today's exposé? The not-so-secret underbelly of copytrading – the "passive income" scheme that's about as safe as letting the school bully copy your homework.

Let's be real, folks. In a vanilla market with training wheels (read: no leverage), copytrading might be a snoozefest, but relatively harmless. But the Forex and Crypto casino? Buckle up, because it's a full-on casino royale.

Imagine handing your hard-earned cash to a "master trader", essentially giving them a stack of chips and hoping they win big at the roulette table. Not only do you risk losing everything, but a good chunk gets siphoned off as their "performance fee". Basically, you're paying someone to gamble with your money – talk about a win-win for them, right?

My Brush with Disaster (feat. WijaiMark)

Yeah, yours truly fell for the copytrading trap early on. Lost a cool grand following some childhood friend, WijaiMark (remember that name – it'll be on the "Don't Trust" list). Dude was boasting 100%, 150%, 200% returns on XAU/USD. Sounded too good to be true, right? Wrong. Mr. Market, that sly dog, decided to play a different game, and poof! – my dreams of early retirement vanished faster than a Bitcoin transaction.

The Hypocrite's Gamble: MoNoRi-Chan Goes Perps

Fast forward, I'm warned my artist friend Nekobox (bless his risk-averse soul) about the dangers of the Futures market. "Stay away!" I preach, with a hint of irony dripping from my voice. Then, what do I do? After I have excommunicated with him, I Dive headfirst into the Perps market, fueled by the gambler's urge to "win it all back". Leverage became my new best friend (or worst enemy, depending on how you look at it). One trade after another, I chased that elusive holy grail of riches, only to end up with a bitter taste of defeat.

The Redemption Arc (and the Rise of MoNoRi-Chan, The Sniper Trader)

But hey, even a broken scientist can learn from his mistakes. After that rollercoaster ride through experimental markets, I stumbled upon Igq's sage advice: "รีบๆ รวยแล้วมาเลี้ยงเพื่อนนะ" (loose translation: focus on the grind, and the rewards will follow). Inspired, I decided to become the "master trader" I once followed blindly.

So here we are, folks. The not-so-shocking twist is that the performance report you just read? That's the glorious (and slightly sarcastic) origin story of MoNoRi-Chan, Master Trader. Turns out, with a little discipline and a whole lot of trial by fire, I actually got good at this game. And those sweet, sweet commission fees? Let's just say I'm getting very good at this "master trader" thing.

Moral of the Story?

Copytrading can be a recipe for disaster. Do your research, understand the risks, and for the love of all things profitable, avoid excessive leverage. Unless, of course, you enjoy the thrill of the casino (and paying someone else to be the dealer).

But hey, if you're feeling adventurous and have some spare cash burning a hole in your pocket, who am I to judge? Just remember, this scientist-turned-trader takes no responsibility for your potential losses. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some friends to treat... with the spoils of my (mostly) ethical trading journey.

Sarkhanese Verified Master Traders

⚠️ Disclaimer: The information provided in this text is for educational and informational purposes only. These writings are my own opinion, provided as-is, and has no warranty expressed or implied. None of it is financial, legal, or other professional advice. The author encourages readers to use discretion and make informed decisions regarding their own practices while seeking professional advice if necessary.