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==== Singapore & Malaysia ====
==== Singapore & Malaysia ====
The trip to find the best Kao Mun Gai (Hainanese Chicken Rice)
"ทริปสิงคโปร์ ทัวร์แห่งความเหลี่ยม" - A Deceitful Singapore Trip
Part 1: The Prequel/Preparation
In August 2022, after [[MoNoRi-Chan/D-982|MoNoRi-Chan]]'s departure from corporate employment, he returned to Thailand and spent a night at the [[Grassstation]] shop, bringing some upgrades to the establishment. Shortly after, he hitched a ride to Pattaya with [[Professor Atts]]. [[IRL:NZNet/Name|Name]], an old friend from NZ Network Enterprises, for a reunion. They made a stop near Bang Saen in Chon Buri and spent a night at The Tide Resort, exploring the province together. The following day, they returned to Bangkok and met at the Grassstation dispensary to celebrate Professor Atts' university graduation.
Part 2: The Trip Begins
In order to congratulate Professor Atts; Name, another friend, proposed a tour of Singapore and invited Professor Atts to join. The story unfolds in multiple parts, beginning with the prequel and preparation. Name borrowed MoNoRi-Chan's [[Credit Card|credit card]] to purchase tickets, raising a red flag.
[[File:PXL 20220902 064256940.jpg|thumb|¡Hola Singapur!]]
Part 3: Chiang Mai Interlude
After booking the tickets, Name informed Professor Atts that each person would have to pay for their own food during the trip, which Professor Atts agreed to. However, before departing for Singapore, Professor Atts had to return to his house in Chiang Mai to retrieve his passport. The trio traveled together to Chiang Mai and spent a day there before flying back to Bangkok. They had a late-night noodle meal at Grassstation and crafted makeshift beds in the airport to spend the night before their 9 AM flight to Singapore on September 2, 2022.
Part 4: Arrival in Singapore, In search of the best Kao Mun Gai
They checked into a two-star hotel in the Little India area and then indulged in Singapore's famous Hainanese Chicken Rice early the next morning. After taking a break, Professor Atts expressed a desire to visit the Merlion and they took some photos before returning to the hotel. They enjoyed another serving of Hainanese Chicken Rice for lunch. Later, they decided to cross the border into Johor Bahru, Malaysia, as Name was craving e-cigarettes. However, their search for a vape shop near the border crossing area proved fruitless, prompting them to take a taxi to one instead. They returned to Singapore in the evening.
Part 5: The Unfortunate Incident
Unfortunately, Professor Atts, who claimed to know what he was doing, put the vape he had purchased inside his small pocket. As they crossed the border back into Singapore, customs officials discovered the vape and confiscated it. Left with nothing to vape, Professor Atts had to rely on MoNoRi-Chan's vape pen instead...
Part 6: Unexpected Challenges and Shady Adventures
Continuing from the previous episode, September 4, 2022, brought frustrations and unexpected turns. Name grew frustrated with Professor Atts, who was freeloading on the food expenses despite agreeing to pay for his own meals. Name, feeling burdened by this, decided to go to Sim Lim Square with MoNoRi-Chan to browse IT items. MoNoRi-Chan ended up purchasing a keycap for his mechanical keyboard, and they then headed back to the hotel.
However, on their way back, they decided to make a detour to Chinatown instead of exploring local Chinese cuisine. Opting for convenience, they settled for a meal at McDonald's before returning to the hotel. Along the way, Name expressed a desire for a foot massage, but they accidentally entered a shady massage parlor near Sim Lim Square that was not listed on Google Maps. Despite the red flag raised by MoNoRi-Chan, Name had already paid, so they proceeded with the "extra service" provided, which turned out to be an establishment associated with the [[Wiki:Prostitution in Singapore|oldest profession]]. They left the parlor with their wallets significantly lighter and agreed to keep this secret from Professor Atts, who remained oblivious to their activities, spending the entire day inside the hotel.
Part 7: A Day of Monotony and Connectivity Woes
The following day was uneventful, with the group shuttling between the hotel and the food court. They found the hotel's Wi-Fi to be subpar, prompting them to rely on LTE hotspot tethering, which ironically provided faster internet access.
Part 8: A Thriving Final Day and Unfortunate Consequences
The last day in Singapore brought some excitement as MoNoRi-Chan's friend from Thailand requested him to purchase a GPU in Singapore, where it was slightly cheaper than in Thailand. They returned to Sim Lim Square, bought the GPU, and met at the airport to hand it over. Professor Atts, however, did not make it to his job interview and subsequently flew back to Chiang Mai, remaining unemployed.
Part 9: Debt Collection and Unexpected Expenses
On September 7, 2022, debt collection day arrived. Name urged MoNoRi-Chan to take matters into their own hands and traveled to Chiang Mai to confront Professor Atts about repayment. They borrowed MoNoRi-Chan's Nissan Presea and arrived at Professor Atts's house, demanding payment for the GPU. However, Professor Atts refused to let them inside, and they managed to secure the payment without entering the premises.
Meanwhile, MoNoRi-Chan's mother encountered her own misfortune. She missed her flight back to the USA due to the airport announcing a "Code Red" and suspending operations amidst a heavy storm. MoNoRi-Chan had to use the recently earned money to rebook her ticket. Unfortunately, due to airline mismanagement, she missed the rebooked flight as well and was denied boarding. Additionally, the car broke down just before crossing the provincial border, leading to further expenses.
Epilogue: Lessons Learned
This deceitful trip taught MoNoRi-Chan a valuable lesson about lending money and sharing credit cards. He resolved never to let anyone borrow his money or credit card again, ensuring he would not be deceived or burdened in such a manner.

==== ETHDenver ====
==== ETHDenver ====
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Altitude and Technical Trials:
Altitude and Technical Trials:
[[File:966.png|thumb|Internet inside the venue is so bad.]]
Denver's high altitude, surpassing even that of Chiang Mai, presented MoNoRi-Chan with a unique experience. As he ventured through the event venue, he quickly realized that the cell reception was not optimal. With over 2000 attendees craving internet access, the demand exceeded the capacity of available connections. It was easy to get lost amidst the sea of people, but MoNoRi-Chan's resourcefulness came to the rescue. Armed with his two phones, he increased his chances of getting a cell signal and even shared hotspots to other devices, including his trusty laptop.
Denver's high altitude, surpassing even that of Chiang Mai, presented MoNoRi-Chan with a unique experience. As he ventured through the event venue, he quickly realized that the cell reception was not optimal. With over 2000 attendees craving internet access, the demand exceeded the capacity of available connections. It was easy to get lost amidst the sea of people, but MoNoRi-Chan's resourcefulness came to the rescue. Armed with his two phones, he increased his chances of getting a cell signal and even shared hotspots to other devices, including his trusty laptop.

Line 64: Line 107:
ETHDenver 2023 provided MoNoRi-Chan with a captivating blend of technical challenges and exciting opportunities. As he embraced the innovative atmosphere of Denver, he found himself surrounded by like-minded individuals, all pushing the boundaries of web3 technology. Despite the challenges posed by the high altitude and connectivity issues, MoNoRi-Chan's adaptability and determination propelled him forward, allowing him to fully immerse himself in this unforgettable experience.
ETHDenver 2023 provided MoNoRi-Chan with a captivating blend of technical challenges and exciting opportunities. As he embraced the innovative atmosphere of Denver, he found himself surrounded by like-minded individuals, all pushing the boundaries of web3 technology. Despite the challenges posed by the high altitude and connectivity issues, MoNoRi-Chan's adaptability and determination propelled him forward, allowing him to fully immerse himself in this unforgettable experience.

Disclaimer: The events and experiences described in this article are fictional and do not represent real-life occurrences. The content is created for entertainment purposes only.
==== Montréal, Canada  ====
MoNoRi-Chan's journey to Montréal, Canada, marked a vibrant new chapter in his life, filled with friendship, adventure, and newfound experiences. Five months after his exhilarating time at ETHDenver, life had taken him on a unique trajectory as the Community Manager for [[Nemu's Waifu Generator]] Discord Server. As a token of gratitude for his diligent work, Nemu decided to reward MoNoRi-Chan with a trip to Montréal, a place that held the promise of exciting escapades and cherished memories.
MoNoRi-Chan's journey to Montréal, Canada, emerged from an episode titled "[[Shorts:Charlie's Advice|Charlie's Advice]]" where his friend encouraged a break from cannabis. Fast forward one month, and he embarked on this adventure, symbolizing personal growth.
With Charlie's counsel in mind, MoNoRi-Chan left cannabis behind as he boarded the plane. This choice signified more than travel – it marked an intentional shift towards change and fresh experiences.
Beyond a mere trip, this narrative encapsulated self-discovery, friendship, and the ripple effect of advice. Montréal became the canvas upon which MoNoRi-Chan's transformative story unfurled, weaving growth into every moment...
'''Day 1'''
The anticipation leading up to the trip was palpable, and MoNoRi-Chan's heart raced as he boarded the plane for his very first visit to Canada. The landscape below transformed from a mosaic of clouds to the picturesque city of Montréal as the plane touched down at YUL Airport. MoNoRi-Chan navigated the immigration process smoothly, presenting his passport and US Permanent Residence card to the customs officer. A series of questions followed, and his earnest responses earned him the approval to enter the country.
At last, the moment arrived when he reunited with Nemu, his friend and host for the adventure that lay ahead. The airport was a place of excitement and emotion as their paths converged once again. Joining them was David, a native of Quebec, whose French-speaking abilities added a local flavor to the experience. The warm welcome extended to Montréal's vibrant streets, and MoNoRi-Chan marveled at the blend of cultures that defined this city.
The first day was a harmonious blend of exploration and celebration. After settling into their accommodations in Old Montréal, the trio ventured out to experience the city's rich heritage. Coincidentally, their visit coincided with "150 years of passion" – Canada's anniversary. The night sky was adorned with a spectacular fireworks display that illuminated the cityscape, painting the heavens in a dazzling array of colors. It was a fitting celebration of Canada's history, and the perfect backdrop to MoNoRi-Chan's journey of renewal and connection.
The trip to Montréal became a canvas for MoNoRi-Chan to embark on new adventures and strengthen bonds. Each step was a testament to his ability to embrace change and seize opportunities that lay beyond his comfort zone. As the story unfolds, it promises to reveal more of his experiences, encounters, and the transformative power of travel in shaping his perspective on life...
'''Day 2'''
On the second day of MoNoRi-Chan's Montréal adventure, the city continued to reveal its vibrant tapestry of experiences. The day began with a tranquil interlude, as he spent the morning wrapped in the comforting embrace of Nemu. The power of connection, nurtured by time and shared experiences, provided a balm for the soul.
With the sun high in the sky, the trio's appetites were whetted by the promise of culinary delights. Plans for an Izakaya or Korean BBQ excursion shifted, leading them to a charming Korean restaurant instead. The flavors of traditional Korean cuisine danced on their palates as laughter and conversation filled the air. Their party grew as they were joined by another friend from the world of Crypto Twitter, accompanied by his girlfriend. The table became a mosaic of cultural backgrounds, stories, and shared dreams.
The afternoon stretched before them like an open road, and they embarked on a journey of discovery. As they wandered through the city's vibrant streets, they marveled at the diversity that surrounded them. The chatter was punctuated by moments of laughter and connection, bridging the gaps between their individual worlds. The atmosphere was alive with the spirit of camaraderie as they shared stories and exchanged perspectives.
As the day gently transitioned into evening, the group found themselves drawn to a local pub. The pub's warm ambiance and lively energy invited them in, and they settled in for a memorable evening. However, something struck MoNoRi-Chan as curious – there had been often no ID checks at the entrance. The realization unfolded that the legal drinking age in Quebec was 18, a fact that brought both amusement and surprise. The scene before them seemed surreal, with academic institutions nestled alongside pubs, blurring the lines between academia and nightlife.
Curiosity piqued, MoNoRi-Chan turned to David, seeking insight into this unique juxtaposition. With a twinkle in his eye, David offered a humorous perspective. "When you step into university life", he explained: "you learn not only to manage your time but also to control your drinking." Laughter erupted as his words resonated with the group. It was a moment that captured the essence of their Montréal adventure – a blend of exploration, connection, and the joy of embracing life's intricacies.
As the evening wore on, MoNoRi-Chan realized that this trip was more than just a getaway; it was an opportunity to immerse himself in a different way of life, to forge connections across borders, and to cherish every moment of shared experiences. The story continued to unfold, painting a vivid picture of his journey through the heart of Montréal.
'''Day 3'''
On the third day of MoNoRi-Chan's Montréal escapade, the city continued to unfold its surprises and delights. While the day may not have been filled with grand adventures, it was the small moments that illuminated the journey.
The day's exploration began with a culinary excursion to [ Restaurant Mon Nan], a Chinese eatery that held the promise of both exquisite flavors and a touch of elegance. As they stepped into the restaurant, the interior whispered of upscale dining, yet the menu offered a pleasant surprise – affordability without compromise. It was a blend of contrasts that set the stage for a memorable meal.
Fate, or perhaps a twist of culinary fate, intervened when their order turned out to be different from what they had anticipated. Instead of disappointment, a plate of salt and pepper shrimp arrived at their table. It was a dish they hadn't ordered, but they embraced the unexpected with open hearts and palates. As the flavors of the shrimp danced on their tongues, they shared a moment of laughter and camaraderie. MoNoRi-Chan's voice echoed with a sentiment that captured the essence of the moment: "There are no mistakes, just happy accidents."
The accidental dish transformed into a symbol of the journey itself – a reminder to savor the unexpected and embrace the beauty of the unknown. With hearts full and appetites satiated, they ventured forth into the city once more. Their steps led them along the edges of Montréal Island, from the inviting embrace of the pier park to the bustling heart of the downtown area.
As they walked, the city's heartbeat resonated in every corner, every street, and every exchange of laughter. The cityscape, a tapestry of diversity and history, bore witness to their journey. It was a day without grand events but brimming with the simplicity of shared moments and the joy of experiencing life's twists and turns together.
As the sun dipped below the horizon and the day gently turned into evening, MoNoRi-Chan reflected on the journey thus far. In its simplicity, this day had woven itself into the fabric of their Montréal adventure, a chapter marked by unexpected dishes, joyful exploration, and the companionship of friends.
And so, the third day came to a close, with the promise of more to come in the next chapter of their journey. As the city's lights illuminated the night, MoNoRi-Chan felt the pulse of Montréal's spirit echoing within him, reminding him of the beauty that exists in the ordinary and the magic that emerges from the everyday.
'''Day 4'''
Disclaimer: The events and experiences described in this article are fictional and do not represent real-life occurrences in truly accurate terms. The content is created for entertainment purposes only.
[[Category:Story Arcs]]

Latest revision as of 06:42, 5 November 2023

MoNoRi-Chan "World Traveler" is the passport dad version of themselves aka "Holder of Travel Documents" and will never have anyone in the travel group takes a hold of the travel document unless at checkpoints in safeguard of them.

Alright enough with the b,s. Let's get down to where MoNoRi-Chan has traveled.

Appearance & Personality

@MoNoLidThZ on Twitter: They call you the traveler, I too, are the traveler myself. We are not the same.

MoNoRi-Chan "World Traveler" has a distinct and functional sense of style that reflects his love for exploration and travel. He can often be seen wearing cargo pants that provide ample storage for his travel essentials. His signature piece is a green jacket that offers versatility and protection against various weather conditions. The jacket is designed with multiple pockets to conveniently store his transit fare cards, currencies, and other travel-related items. With a nod to the techwear style, his attire seamlessly blends functionality and fashion.

MoNoRi-Chan embodies the spirit of a world traveler who seeks the thrill of exploration and the joy of discovering new places. He approaches his travels with a sense of adventure and curiosity, always eager to immerse himself in different cultures and experiences. As an observer rather than an active participant, he enjoys observing the local customs, traditions, and daily life of the places he visits.

With his spatial intelligence and adept use of technology, MoNoRi-Chan excels in navigating unfamiliar cities and transit systems. He relies on his phone to access transit routes, map out itineraries, and find his way around with ease. This proficiency in pathfinding allows him to seamlessly blend in with the locals, enhancing his travel experiences and allowing him to explore each destination like a seasoned traveler.

MoNoRi-Chan prioritizes a healthy lifestyle during his travels. He prefers simple and nutritious food choices, valuing the importance of maintaining energy and well-being during his adventures. He embraces the opportunity to try local cuisines and drinks, appreciating the flavors and culinary traditions of each region he visits.

His collection of transit fare cards and currencies serves as mementos of his global adventures, reminding him of the diverse places he has explored. These items symbolize his passion for travel and his appreciation for the unique transportation systems found around the world.

Overall, MoNoRi-Chan "World Traveler" embodies a boymoder with a professional traveler vibe. His love for exploration, functionality-driven style, spatial intelligence, and healthy lifestyle all contribute to his unique persona as he journeys across the globe, embracing the thrill of discovery and immersing himself in the wonders of the world.

Places Traveled, Chronologically

Tokyo, Japan (1st)

Show YouTube VLOG  
The content was missing due to weird ass sony xperia file naming scheme and this is the sitcom: I Overwritten the Day 5 files

Tokyo, Japan (2nd)

Show YouTube VLOG  


That one moment he know he have to quit working for minimum wage and go for what it's worth...

Singapore & Malaysia

"ทริปสิงคโปร์ ทัวร์แห่งความเหลี่ยม" - A Deceitful Singapore Trip

Part 1: The Prequel/Preparation

In August 2022, after MoNoRi-Chan's departure from corporate employment, he returned to Thailand and spent a night at the Grassstation shop, bringing some upgrades to the establishment. Shortly after, he hitched a ride to Pattaya with Professor Atts. Name, an old friend from NZ Network Enterprises, for a reunion. They made a stop near Bang Saen in Chon Buri and spent a night at The Tide Resort, exploring the province together. The following day, they returned to Bangkok and met at the Grassstation dispensary to celebrate Professor Atts' university graduation.

Part 2: The Trip Begins

In order to congratulate Professor Atts; Name, another friend, proposed a tour of Singapore and invited Professor Atts to join. The story unfolds in multiple parts, beginning with the prequel and preparation. Name borrowed MoNoRi-Chan's credit card to purchase tickets, raising a red flag.

¡Hola Singapur!

Part 3: Chiang Mai Interlude

After booking the tickets, Name informed Professor Atts that each person would have to pay for their own food during the trip, which Professor Atts agreed to. However, before departing for Singapore, Professor Atts had to return to his house in Chiang Mai to retrieve his passport. The trio traveled together to Chiang Mai and spent a day there before flying back to Bangkok. They had a late-night noodle meal at Grassstation and crafted makeshift beds in the airport to spend the night before their 9 AM flight to Singapore on September 2, 2022.

Part 4: Arrival in Singapore, In search of the best Kao Mun Gai

They checked into a two-star hotel in the Little India area and then indulged in Singapore's famous Hainanese Chicken Rice early the next morning. After taking a break, Professor Atts expressed a desire to visit the Merlion and they took some photos before returning to the hotel. They enjoyed another serving of Hainanese Chicken Rice for lunch. Later, they decided to cross the border into Johor Bahru, Malaysia, as Name was craving e-cigarettes. However, their search for a vape shop near the border crossing area proved fruitless, prompting them to take a taxi to one instead. They returned to Singapore in the evening.

Part 5: The Unfortunate Incident

Unfortunately, Professor Atts, who claimed to know what he was doing, put the vape he had purchased inside his small pocket. As they crossed the border back into Singapore, customs officials discovered the vape and confiscated it. Left with nothing to vape, Professor Atts had to rely on MoNoRi-Chan's vape pen instead...

Part 6: Unexpected Challenges and Shady Adventures

Continuing from the previous episode, September 4, 2022, brought frustrations and unexpected turns. Name grew frustrated with Professor Atts, who was freeloading on the food expenses despite agreeing to pay for his own meals. Name, feeling burdened by this, decided to go to Sim Lim Square with MoNoRi-Chan to browse IT items. MoNoRi-Chan ended up purchasing a keycap for his mechanical keyboard, and they then headed back to the hotel.

However, on their way back, they decided to make a detour to Chinatown instead of exploring local Chinese cuisine. Opting for convenience, they settled for a meal at McDonald's before returning to the hotel. Along the way, Name expressed a desire for a foot massage, but they accidentally entered a shady massage parlor near Sim Lim Square that was not listed on Google Maps. Despite the red flag raised by MoNoRi-Chan, Name had already paid, so they proceeded with the "extra service" provided, which turned out to be an establishment associated with the oldest profession. They left the parlor with their wallets significantly lighter and agreed to keep this secret from Professor Atts, who remained oblivious to their activities, spending the entire day inside the hotel.

Part 7: A Day of Monotony and Connectivity Woes

The following day was uneventful, with the group shuttling between the hotel and the food court. They found the hotel's Wi-Fi to be subpar, prompting them to rely on LTE hotspot tethering, which ironically provided faster internet access.

Part 8: A Thriving Final Day and Unfortunate Consequences

The last day in Singapore brought some excitement as MoNoRi-Chan's friend from Thailand requested him to purchase a GPU in Singapore, where it was slightly cheaper than in Thailand. They returned to Sim Lim Square, bought the GPU, and met at the airport to hand it over. Professor Atts, however, did not make it to his job interview and subsequently flew back to Chiang Mai, remaining unemployed.

Part 9: Debt Collection and Unexpected Expenses

On September 7, 2022, debt collection day arrived. Name urged MoNoRi-Chan to take matters into their own hands and traveled to Chiang Mai to confront Professor Atts about repayment. They borrowed MoNoRi-Chan's Nissan Presea and arrived at Professor Atts's house, demanding payment for the GPU. However, Professor Atts refused to let them inside, and they managed to secure the payment without entering the premises.

Meanwhile, MoNoRi-Chan's mother encountered her own misfortune. She missed her flight back to the USA due to the airport announcing a "Code Red" and suspending operations amidst a heavy storm. MoNoRi-Chan had to use the recently earned money to rebook her ticket. Unfortunately, due to airline mismanagement, she missed the rebooked flight as well and was denied boarding. Additionally, the car broke down just before crossing the provincial border, leading to further expenses.

Epilogue: Lessons Learned

This deceitful trip taught MoNoRi-Chan a valuable lesson about lending money and sharing credit cards. He resolved never to let anyone borrow his money or credit card again, ensuring he would not be deceived or burdened in such a manner.


MoNoRi-Chan at ETHDenver Femboy House
ETHDenver 2023: Exploring the Mile High City of Innovation

ETHDenver 2023, held in the vibrant city of Denver, marked an exciting chapter in MoNoRi-Chan's backpacking journey. This event, focused on the web3 space and Ethereum technology, brought together thousands of developers, enthusiasts, and innovators from around the world. As MoNoRi-Chan stepped into the mile high city, he was eager to immerse himself in the opportunities and technical challenges that awaited.

Altitude and Technical Trials:

Internet inside the venue is so bad.

Denver's high altitude, surpassing even that of Chiang Mai, presented MoNoRi-Chan with a unique experience. As he ventured through the event venue, he quickly realized that the cell reception was not optimal. With over 2000 attendees craving internet access, the demand exceeded the capacity of available connections. It was easy to get lost amidst the sea of people, but MoNoRi-Chan's resourcefulness came to the rescue. Armed with his two phones, he increased his chances of getting a cell signal and even shared hotspots to other devices, including his trusty laptop.

A Diverse Landscape of Innovation:

The event showcased an array of booths and exhibitions, each representing different AltVM (EVM Equivalent chains) competing for attention. It reminded MoNoRi-Chan of the early days of cryptocurrency, with Bitcoin paving the way and being followed by Litecoin, Dogecoin, and countless others. The decentralized nature of these platforms fostered an environment of innovation, exploration, and healthy competition.

Challenges and Surprises:

MoNoRi-Chan couldn't help but notice the impact of Denver's high altitude on his alcohol tolerance. The thin air made his body more susceptible to the effects of alcohol, leading to quicker intoxication. It was a humbling reminder of the city's unique characteristics and a cautionary tale for those indulging in libations during their visit.


ETHDenver 2023 provided MoNoRi-Chan with a captivating blend of technical challenges and exciting opportunities. As he embraced the innovative atmosphere of Denver, he found himself surrounded by like-minded individuals, all pushing the boundaries of web3 technology. Despite the challenges posed by the high altitude and connectivity issues, MoNoRi-Chan's adaptability and determination propelled him forward, allowing him to fully immerse himself in this unforgettable experience.

Montréal, Canada

MoNoRi-Chan's journey to Montréal, Canada, marked a vibrant new chapter in his life, filled with friendship, adventure, and newfound experiences. Five months after his exhilarating time at ETHDenver, life had taken him on a unique trajectory as the Community Manager for Nemu's Waifu Generator Discord Server. As a token of gratitude for his diligent work, Nemu decided to reward MoNoRi-Chan with a trip to Montréal, a place that held the promise of exciting escapades and cherished memories.


MoNoRi-Chan's journey to Montréal, Canada, emerged from an episode titled "Charlie's Advice" where his friend encouraged a break from cannabis. Fast forward one month, and he embarked on this adventure, symbolizing personal growth.

With Charlie's counsel in mind, MoNoRi-Chan left cannabis behind as he boarded the plane. This choice signified more than travel – it marked an intentional shift towards change and fresh experiences.

Beyond a mere trip, this narrative encapsulated self-discovery, friendship, and the ripple effect of advice. Montréal became the canvas upon which MoNoRi-Chan's transformative story unfurled, weaving growth into every moment...

Day 1

The anticipation leading up to the trip was palpable, and MoNoRi-Chan's heart raced as he boarded the plane for his very first visit to Canada. The landscape below transformed from a mosaic of clouds to the picturesque city of Montréal as the plane touched down at YUL Airport. MoNoRi-Chan navigated the immigration process smoothly, presenting his passport and US Permanent Residence card to the customs officer. A series of questions followed, and his earnest responses earned him the approval to enter the country.

At last, the moment arrived when he reunited with Nemu, his friend and host for the adventure that lay ahead. The airport was a place of excitement and emotion as their paths converged once again. Joining them was David, a native of Quebec, whose French-speaking abilities added a local flavor to the experience. The warm welcome extended to Montréal's vibrant streets, and MoNoRi-Chan marveled at the blend of cultures that defined this city.

The first day was a harmonious blend of exploration and celebration. After settling into their accommodations in Old Montréal, the trio ventured out to experience the city's rich heritage. Coincidentally, their visit coincided with "150 years of passion" – Canada's anniversary. The night sky was adorned with a spectacular fireworks display that illuminated the cityscape, painting the heavens in a dazzling array of colors. It was a fitting celebration of Canada's history, and the perfect backdrop to MoNoRi-Chan's journey of renewal and connection.

The trip to Montréal became a canvas for MoNoRi-Chan to embark on new adventures and strengthen bonds. Each step was a testament to his ability to embrace change and seize opportunities that lay beyond his comfort zone. As the story unfolds, it promises to reveal more of his experiences, encounters, and the transformative power of travel in shaping his perspective on life...

Day 2

On the second day of MoNoRi-Chan's Montréal adventure, the city continued to reveal its vibrant tapestry of experiences. The day began with a tranquil interlude, as he spent the morning wrapped in the comforting embrace of Nemu. The power of connection, nurtured by time and shared experiences, provided a balm for the soul.

With the sun high in the sky, the trio's appetites were whetted by the promise of culinary delights. Plans for an Izakaya or Korean BBQ excursion shifted, leading them to a charming Korean restaurant instead. The flavors of traditional Korean cuisine danced on their palates as laughter and conversation filled the air. Their party grew as they were joined by another friend from the world of Crypto Twitter, accompanied by his girlfriend. The table became a mosaic of cultural backgrounds, stories, and shared dreams.

The afternoon stretched before them like an open road, and they embarked on a journey of discovery. As they wandered through the city's vibrant streets, they marveled at the diversity that surrounded them. The chatter was punctuated by moments of laughter and connection, bridging the gaps between their individual worlds. The atmosphere was alive with the spirit of camaraderie as they shared stories and exchanged perspectives.

As the day gently transitioned into evening, the group found themselves drawn to a local pub. The pub's warm ambiance and lively energy invited them in, and they settled in for a memorable evening. However, something struck MoNoRi-Chan as curious – there had been often no ID checks at the entrance. The realization unfolded that the legal drinking age in Quebec was 18, a fact that brought both amusement and surprise. The scene before them seemed surreal, with academic institutions nestled alongside pubs, blurring the lines between academia and nightlife.

Curiosity piqued, MoNoRi-Chan turned to David, seeking insight into this unique juxtaposition. With a twinkle in his eye, David offered a humorous perspective. "When you step into university life", he explained: "you learn not only to manage your time but also to control your drinking." Laughter erupted as his words resonated with the group. It was a moment that captured the essence of their Montréal adventure – a blend of exploration, connection, and the joy of embracing life's intricacies.

As the evening wore on, MoNoRi-Chan realized that this trip was more than just a getaway; it was an opportunity to immerse himself in a different way of life, to forge connections across borders, and to cherish every moment of shared experiences. The story continued to unfold, painting a vivid picture of his journey through the heart of Montréal.

Day 3

On the third day of MoNoRi-Chan's Montréal escapade, the city continued to unfold its surprises and delights. While the day may not have been filled with grand adventures, it was the small moments that illuminated the journey.

The day's exploration began with a culinary excursion to Restaurant Mon Nan, a Chinese eatery that held the promise of both exquisite flavors and a touch of elegance. As they stepped into the restaurant, the interior whispered of upscale dining, yet the menu offered a pleasant surprise – affordability without compromise. It was a blend of contrasts that set the stage for a memorable meal.

Fate, or perhaps a twist of culinary fate, intervened when their order turned out to be different from what they had anticipated. Instead of disappointment, a plate of salt and pepper shrimp arrived at their table. It was a dish they hadn't ordered, but they embraced the unexpected with open hearts and palates. As the flavors of the shrimp danced on their tongues, they shared a moment of laughter and camaraderie. MoNoRi-Chan's voice echoed with a sentiment that captured the essence of the moment: "There are no mistakes, just happy accidents."

The accidental dish transformed into a symbol of the journey itself – a reminder to savor the unexpected and embrace the beauty of the unknown. With hearts full and appetites satiated, they ventured forth into the city once more. Their steps led them along the edges of Montréal Island, from the inviting embrace of the pier park to the bustling heart of the downtown area.

As they walked, the city's heartbeat resonated in every corner, every street, and every exchange of laughter. The cityscape, a tapestry of diversity and history, bore witness to their journey. It was a day without grand events but brimming with the simplicity of shared moments and the joy of experiencing life's twists and turns together.

As the sun dipped below the horizon and the day gently turned into evening, MoNoRi-Chan reflected on the journey thus far. In its simplicity, this day had woven itself into the fabric of their Montréal adventure, a chapter marked by unexpected dishes, joyful exploration, and the companionship of friends.

And so, the third day came to a close, with the promise of more to come in the next chapter of their journey. As the city's lights illuminated the night, MoNoRi-Chan felt the pulse of Montréal's spirit echoing within him, reminding him of the beauty that exists in the ordinary and the magic that emerges from the everyday.

Day 4

Disclaimer: The events and experiences described in this article are fictional and do not represent real-life occurrences in truly accurate terms. The content is created for entertainment purposes only.