Shorts:Smoked up NeoCNX

From The Sarkhan Nexus

Smoked up NeoCNX is a 3 day story of MoNoRi-Chan visiting Chiang Mai. The plot splits into 3 different parts:

Plot A

The descent into Chiang Mai should have been breathtaking – lush green hills giving way to the terracotta rooftops of the city. Instead, MoNoRi-Chan peered through the airplane window at an oppressive, dirty brown haze that clung to the valley like a stubborn smog monster. "Guess those wildfire memes weren't exaggerating," he muttered, a touch of concern lacing his usual snark.

A few days later, decked out in his most stylish smog mask, he met up with his old professor, Atts, for a coffee date in the trendy Nimmanhaemin district. The usually bustling street felt oddly still.

"Where is everyone today?" MoNoRi-Chan asked, taking a tentative sip of his iced latte.

Professor Atts, a seasoned Chiang Mai resident, simply glanced towards a cluster of official-looking black cars gleaming menacingly in the afternoon sun. "The big man is in town," he said, a twinkle in his eye.

"The big...wait, you mean the PM? Here? Why?" MoNoRi-Chan choked out.

The professor chuckled. "Well, apparently those pesky AQI numbers being the world's worst aren't great for tourism. Gotta keep up appearances, you know."

MoNoRi-Chan scoffed, then immediately regretted it as a tickle in his throat erupted into a coughing fit. "So, what's his master plan? Wave his hands and make the smog disappear?"

News reports that evening did little to soothe MoNoRi-Chan's frustration. The PM's focus was on mitigating the economic impact, not the cause, nor the very real health risks. Sure, budget numbers were thrown around, promises of increased fire-fighting efforts rattled off, but MoNoRi-Chan saw through the haze of official speeches.

"Didn't vote for the guy anyway," he grumbled to his friends. "Let's just enjoy the rest of our trip, yeah?"

The days in Chiang Mai turned into a smoky blur, punctuated by delicious food, good company, and the nagging feeling that those in power were woefully out of touch. When it was time to return to NeoBangkok, MoNoRi-Chan opted for the train – a scenic journey, he envisioned. Plus, no more worrying about baggage weight restrictions.

Settling into his seat, MoNoRi-Chan sighed contentedly as the train chugged out of the station. However, as they left the city behind, his contentment began to waver. Acrid smell seeped in, and he watched in growing horror as the train cut straight through several towering wildfires. The lush greenery he'd hoped for was reduced to blackened scars, smoke tendrils snaking towards the tracks.

"Cheaper than flying, sure," MoNoRi-Chan grumbled, a wry grin twisting his mouth. "But at least I get a front-row seat to the problem those millions of baht can't seem to fix."

As the train rattled on towards NeoBangkok, MoNoRi-Chan had a newfound, if unwelcome, perspective. It was clear that political promises and budgets were just smokescreens (sometimes literally). The real problems, like those fiery swaths of destruction, were out there for everyone to see, if only they dared to truly look...

Plot B

Chiang Mai Shenanigans and Crypto Windfalls

MoRi-Chan strutted out of the Khon Kaen airport, his backpack a little lighter but his pockets pleasantly heavier thanks to his recent paycheck. With a mischievous grin, he patted his bag – the iPad he'd planned to sell was still nestled inside. He'd hatched a plan – instead of selling it outright, he'd "lend" it to the buyer with a hefty rental fee and a contract that practically guaranteed its safe return.

The train ride to Chiang Mai was a blur of scenic landscapes and the comforting rhythm of the tracks. Arriving in the city, he met up with Professor Atts and his friends, the trendy Nimmanhaemin district a welcome contrast to the rural stretches he'd just seen.

Midway through a steaming hotpot dinner, his phone buzzed – it was Name, his techie buddy from the NZ Network. Name offered him a deal he couldn't refuse – a Dell R730 server, a 56-core, 128 GB memory beast, for a steal! Memories flooded back – back in the day, Name had been his go-to guy for server fixes, but his trusty Core i7 NUC had succumbed to thermal grease woes, and Name had been too busy to revive it.

This was a golden opportunity. MoRi-Chan, ever the opportunist, wired the money to Name, excitement bubbling as he envisioned the possibilities of his new "cloud homelab." The contrast with his early days, tinkering on the ailing NUC, was stark.

Suddenly, the conversation shifted gears. Name, aware of MoRi-Chan's connection to Elon Lex, casually mentioned that Lex could use some second-hand servers, even suggesting MoRi-Chan leverage his credit for the purchase. However, Lex, scarred by past experiences with Name's "deals," remained skeptical. MoRi-Chan, ever the resourceful middleman, stepped in, offering to broker the deal.

But where did the money for the Dell come from? MoRi-Chan smirked. He'd dipped into his "XLM moon bag" on Binance, those low-fee Stellar Lumens he'd been accumulating for a while. He explained his strategy to Professor Atts, who chuckled and revealed his own stash of 500 XLM, entrusting MoRi-Chan to "hold it in custody" – a professor who paid his server rent with crypto, now that was a story!

Professor Atts' investment wasn't just symbolic. MoRi-Chan envisioned them sharing the server's virtual machines, Professor Atts contributing "equity" in the form of his XLM. It was a win-win – a powerful server for their projects and a way for both of them to diversify their holdings beyond the volatile world of fiat.

Recounting his XLM decision, MoRi-Chan reminisced about the low transaction fees and ease of transfer compared to Ethereum. It was a strategic move, a way to park his cash outside the traditional financial system. He knew crypto was a game of cycles, and selling yesterday would have meant missing out on today's gains, even if today brought a slight dip.

Name, ever the pragmatist, chimed in with a sarcastic jab: "Hey, if you don't spend some of those profits, you won't even get to enjoy them! The money's just sitting in a pond!"

MoRi-Chan chuckled. He knew Name was right. But for now, he reveled in his financial maneuverings and the potential his new server held. Chiang Mai might be choked by smog, but his tech horizons were looking bright, fueled by a potent mix of crypto savvy, server deals, and a dash of professorial partnership.

Plot C: Family Heirloom

The call from his mom came just as MoNoRi-Chan was enjoying a celebratory Chiang Mai coffee. He loved his mother dearly, but her boundless enthusiasm, especially when it came to his life, always left him with mixed emotions. Today? It was a classic "mom guilt trip" detour.

"Darling, you're going to Chiang Mai? Wonderful! Remember Aunt Saowanee? My dearest old friend? She's there too! You MUST visit!"

Resistance, MoNoRi-Chan knew, was futile. Aunt Saowanee, bless her, had a penchant for keeping old photographs, including some treasured shots of his grandparents. His mom, being sentimental to a fault, longed for those photos. So, duty-bound and inwardly exasperated by this sudden deviation from his own plans, MoNoRi-Chan found himself promising to track down Aunt Saowanee.

He shared this "forced mission" with his friends, who reacted with a blend of laughter and sympathy. A quick recap of Aunt Saowanee's personality painted a concerning picture – enthusiastic, yes, but also heavily involved in some "business opportunities" that sounded suspiciously like pyramid schemes. Apparently, she was now targeting US-based Thais, leveraging their perceived wealth to push whatever questionable venture she was currently into.

"This is gonna be fun," one of his friends quipped sarcastically.

After some strategizing, they decided it was best for MoNoRi-Chan to go solo, while they waited discreetly in the car. No need to spook Aunt Saowanee unnecessarily.

The meeting, thankfully, was brief. Aunt Saowanee was effusive, showering him with compliments on his success and a heavy dose of vague promises of future "collaborations." He did his duty, obtained the promised photos, and after a mandatory selfie together (proof for his mother), he practically fled.

Rejoining his friends in the car, he couldn't help but grin ruefully. "Mission heirloom accomplished," he announced, holding up the photos.

The car buzzed with a newfound energy as MoNoRi-Chan rejoined his friends, the photos safely tucked away in his bag. "Mission heirloom complete," he declared with a mock salute, eliciting laughter from the others.

"So, how'd the reunion of the financial prodigies go?" one friend teased, leaning back in his seat.

MoNoRi-Chan rolled his eyes. "Pretty much as expected. All sunshine and rainbows, vague promises of future riches, and a desperate attempt to leverage my mom's US income." He shook his head. "The audacity, right? Still living in those shithole government flats after scamming her a couple grand years ago. No sign of that promised return on investment, just the same old tired spiel."

A thoughtful expression crossed his other friend's face. "The irony, huh? Here she is, peddling these pyramid schemes, probably struggling to make ends meet, while you're out here accumulating your 'XLM chips' and cashing them in for a server monster."

MoNoRi-Chan grinned. "Exactly! While Aunt Saowanee's chasing get-rich-quick schemes, I'm putting in the work, the research. Slow and steady wins the race, you know? Besides," he added with a wink, "who needs questionable investments when you've got the magic of crypto? Though, I always remind myself to approach it with caution - it's too easy to fall into a gambler's mindset with these volatile markets!"

The conversation flowed easily as they reminisced about past encounters with Aunt Saowanee and her "business opportunities."

"It's not even investing," MoNoRi-Chan mused, frustration tingeing his voice. "She's preying on people, mostly these older folks who aren't tech-savvy or financially aware. It's like a bizarre form of gambling addiction, fueled by desperation and false promises."

He recalled dipping his toes into leveraged futures trading, spurred by that same desire for quick riches. But unlike his aunt, he'd approached it methodically. The thrill was there, but he'd treated it as a calculated risk with safeguards in place, not a reckless gamble. The experience taught him a valuable lesson, further cementing his distrust of get-rich-quick schemes.

Suddenly, the absurdity of his situation hit him. Years ago, his mom had scoffed at his "futuristic" interests, his unconventional path. Now, after witnessing Aunt Saowanee's financial folly, he felt a bittersweet vindication. His determination to forge his own path, to learn about these new technologies, was fueled by her lack of understanding.

"The thing is," he confessed, "sometimes I feel like I'm working so hard, investing, learning, just to prove my mom wrong."

His friends exchanged understanding glances. "We get it," one responded. "But who's really got the last laugh now, huh? Keep doing what you're doing, building your knowledge, your assets...that's something no clueless investment scheme can touch."

MoNoRi-Chan smiled, a genuine one this time. As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the lake in hues of orange and pink, they raised their iced coffees in a silent toast – to their success, to their hard work, and to escaping the allure of easy money. The Chiang Mai adventure had taken an unexpected turn, but for MoRi-Chan, it served as a valuable reminder: sometimes, the most rewarding investments are the ones you make in yourself with a clear vision for your future.