Shorts:Moving House Arc

From The Sarkhan Nexus

Chapter 5: The Moving House Arc

MoNoRi-Chan had finally found his dream house, or so he thought. In fact, the old house was about to be liquidated so he had to move. He didn't take the time to inspect the house thoroughly before signing the lease contract. Everything was perfect (?) - the location (3,000 ft away from nearest homeless encampment), the size of the house (small as shit), the view from the windows (extreme shit tier). He was so eager to move in that other tenants signed the contract without reading it carefully.

It wasn't until after his uncle had signed the lease contract that he realized he no longer had access to fiber connection, but instead he was stuck with a cable connection by Spectrum. He was devastated. He loved his fiber connection, and now he was going to be stuck with a slow, unreliable cable connection.

He talked to Nem about the situation he had landed himself into, and Nem couldn't believe it. "Spectrum? LMAO," Nem said, as MoNoRi-Chan explained the frustrating situation.

MoNoRi-Chan was angry and frustrated. He had never been a fan of cable connections, and he felt like he was being punished for his inaction. He didn't have a chance to read the fine print in the lease contract, and now he was stuck with a cable connection that was far from ideal.

He asked Frontier on the phone why the fiber connection wasn't available, and they told him that there was only a phone line available in the area. "This state is cursed," MoNoRi-Chan thought to himself. (Which turns out to be lack of competence of customer support)

He couldn't believe that in 2023, a golden state would still only have phone lines available. He felt like he was living in the dark ages. He was so used to the fast, reliable speeds of fiber that he couldn't imagine going back to a slow, unreliable cable connection.

MoNoRi-Chan couldn't escape the feeling of being trapped in a bad situation. He felt like he was stuck with a cable connection that he didn't want and that he couldn't escape. He couldn't help but feel that his inaction had led him to this situation.

In the end, MoNoRi-Chan was left with a decision to make. He could either deal with the slow, unreliable cable connection or try to find a way to get fiber in the area. Either way, he knew that he needed to find a solution quickly, before he completely lost his mind from the lack of control...