Shorts:It's a Share

From The Sarkhan Nexus

We open up to MoNoRi-Chan sitting on his couch, typing away on his laptop. The sound of keyboard clicks can be heard in the background.

MoNoRi-Chan: (to himself) Alright, let's see what the market's doing today.

Suddenly, he has his urge to text to his potential customer: GEAR, so slides to his DM on Facebook Messenger.

MoNoRi-Chan: (In Chat) Yo, the performance for last month is 10%, so your thousand is now 110.

Gear: Hey man, so you've been doing well with your PAMM portfolio management. Can I add more 5000 in?

MoNoRi-Chan: (surprised) Really? You trust me with your money?

Gear: Yeah man, I've seen the profits you've been making. I want in.

MoNoRi-Chan: (smiling) Sure thing, I'll take care of it.

We see MoNoRi-Chan transferring the funds to his trading account and executing trades.
A week later, MoNoRi-Chan is on a Telegram call with Igq. After discussing about the ups and downs of his life, Igq raised hand to ask if he could withdraw the profits...

Igq: Hey man, I need to withdraw 5000 Baht to pay for my Grassstation shop expenses. Electricity bill in April 2023 really kicks me in the ass.

MoNoRi-Chan: Sure thing, just lemme make a withdrawal from my broker real quick.

Igq: Nice, I'll need to pay bills real fast.

MoNoRi-Chan: (joking) Also, there's my friend who also happened to deposit 5k last week, bro This is no longer forex, it's a share now.

Both of them burst out in laughter.

Igq: (laughing) You're too much man. And as always, You are my CZ bro.

MoNoRi-Chan: (smiling) So, what do you want to know about my 2 week journey on shitcoins?

Igq: (excited) Everything!

MoNoRi-Chan proceeds to tell Igq about his experiences with shitcoins. The camera zooms out as we hear their laughter and conversation fade into the background.