Shorts:Hot Dogs & Flat Tire

From The Sarkhan Nexus

MoNoRi-Chan, on a mission to satisfy their craving for a delicious hot dog, embarked on a trip to Costco. Little did they know that this simple journey would take an unexpected turn. As they returned to their car after finished hot dog and a pizza, I was met with disappointment—a flat tire.

Inspecting the tire, MoNoRi-Chan noticed a piece of shrapnel embedded in it. Suddenly, the memory of a recent accident on the road before they reached Costco resurfaced. It became clear that the debris from the crash had unfortunately found its way into MoNoRi-Chan's tire.

Thankfully, MoNoRi-Chan was prepared for such situations and had an emergency tire inflator kit in their car. With a bit of effort, they managed to inflate the tire to a drivable level. Determined to resolve the issue, they quickly located a nearby shop in the same strip mall.

Upon arrival, MoNoRi-Chan was informed of a two-hour wait time. Despite the inconvenience, they maintained their composure and decided to make the most of the situation. They strolled over to Best Buy, engaging in casual conversations with friends on chat platforms to pass the time.

Finally, after patiently waiting for two hours, MoNoRi-Chan's turn arrived. The employee at the shop treated them with respect and gratitude for their patience. With the tire fixed and ready to go, MoNoRi-Chan made a quick stop at Costco to refill their drink before heading back home.

As they drove past the site of the previous crash, MoNoRi-Chan couldn't help but experience a sense of déjà vu. (The time where there was an accident in front of the hospital and a screw is embedded in my front tire) They were reminded of the importance of expecting the unexpected and ensuring their vehicle's condition before embarking on any journey.

With their tire fixed and lesson learned, MoNoRi-Chan returned home, savoring the memory of their hot dog adventure—a tale of resilience, preparedness, and the ability to find silver linings even in unexpected detours.