Necessary Evil

From The Sarkhan Nexus

The concept of a "necessary evil" is complex and laden with ethical considerations. Applying it to ongoing global conflicts requires careful analysis and nuance, as it delves into the murky area of weighing lives, security, and potential solutions against the inherent harm caused by violence. Here's an attempt to unpack this concept:

What is a Necessary Evil?

A necessary evil refers to something harmful or undesirable that is believed to be unavoidable in achieving a greater good. It implies a trade-off: accepting some level of evil to prevent worse consequences or achieve positive outcomes. It's important to consider:

  • Necessity: Is the "evil" truly unavoidable? Are there no alternatives that wouldn't cause harm?
  • Magnitude: How significant is the perceived "evil" compared to the potential good?
  • Who defines the "good"?: Different groups may have conflicting views on what constitutes a desirable outcome.

Applying to Ongoing Global Conflicts:

Using ongoing conflicts as examples is challenging due to the sensitivity and complexity involved. However, some potential interpretations could be:

  • Military intervention: Some might argue that using military force to stop a genocidal regime is a necessary evil, despite the loss of life and destruction caused. Others might disagree, considering alternative solutions or questioning the intervention's effectiveness.
  • Sanctions: Imposing economic sanctions can aim to pressure a regime or prevent conflict escalation. However, they can also cause hardship for innocent civilians, raising questions about their necessity and proportionality.
  • Deterrence: Building nuclear arsenals might be seen as a deterrent against major wars, but carries the risk of accidental detonation and its catastrophic consequences. Is it a necessary evil, or does it exacerbate insecurity?

Important Considerations:

  • Context Matters: Applying the "necessary evil" label depends heavily on specific situations, motives, and potential outcomes.
  • Ethical Dilemmas: There's no easy answer, and often, difficult moral choices must be made amidst imperfect options.
  • Accountability: Even if deemed necessary, actions causing harm still demand accountability and efforts to minimize negative consequences.


  • This is a complex topic with diverse perspectives.
  • Judging individual conflicts as "necessary evils" is ethically sensitive and requires careful consideration.
  • The focus should be on finding lasting solutions that minimize harm and uphold human rights.