It is what it is

From The Sarkhan Nexus
"It is what it is".

Here is an article focused on "it is what it is" as a way of life:

"It Is What It Is": A Philosophy for Navigating Life's Mood Meter

The perfectly captures the emotional rollercoaster of life. We soar to exhilarating highs and plummet to frustrating lows. But nestled right in the center is a phrase that can serve as a powerful anchor: "It is what it is."

More Than Just Words: A Mental Compass

"It is what it is" is often dismissed as a passive shrug, a way to avoid dealing with problems. But for some, it's a core philosophy, a mental compass that guides them through life's inevitable storms.

Acceptance: The Cornerstone

At its heart, "it is what it is" is about acceptance. It's the recognition that we can't control everything. There will be bad days, unexpected setbacks, and moments that leave us feeling like we want to scream, "This is so over!"

Acceptance Breeds Calm

By accepting what is, we detach from the struggle against reality. This detachment fosters a sense of calm, allowing us to move forward with clear thinking and focus. It's not about resignation, but about choosing where to invest our emotional energy.

Not Giving Up: It's About Moving On

"It is what it is" doesn't mean giving up. It's about acknowledging the situation and then taking action within that reality. Spilled your coffee all over yourself? "It is what it is." But you can still grab a napkin, clean up, and maybe change your shirt.

When to Embrace the "It Is What It Is" Mindset

Here are some situations where this philosophy can be particularly helpful:

  • Uncontrollable Events: A loved one's illness, a natural disaster – these are things we can't change. Accepting them allows us to focus on what we can control: our own reactions and how we move forward.
  • Daily Hassles: Missed trains, long lines, frustrating coworkers – these minor inconveniences can easily disrupt our day. "It is what it is" helps us shrug them off and move on.
  • Other People's Choices: We can't control how others behave. Accepting this frees us from the stress of trying to change them, allowing us to focus on our own boundaries and responses.

A Stoic Wisdom for the Modern World

The idea of accepting what is has roots in ancient philosophy, particularly Stoicism. In a world obsessed with control, "it is what it is" offers a simple yet powerful reminder: focus on what you can control, let go of the rest, and find peace in the present moment.

It's Not a Magic Bullet

"It is what it is" isn't a magic solution to every problem. There are times for anger, sadness, and frustration. But as a guiding principle, it can help us navigate life's inevitable ups and downs with greater resilience and inner peace.

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The Mood Meter
Mood meter.jpg High Energy

Low Energy
Fuck it, We ball We are so fucking back LFG!
It is what it is
It's so Joever
Mom would be Sad
Unpleasant ↔ Pleasant