
From The Sarkhan Nexus

Choosing the best mods for outer and inner portals in Ingress depends on your specific goals and the situation. Here's a breakdown of different approaches:

For Outer Portals:

Focus on Defense:

  • Force Amp: Increases the strength of outgoing links, making it harder for opponents to break the field. This is crucial for protecting the entire nested structure.
  • Shield: Bolsters the portal's health, making it more resistant to enemy attacks. Prioritize portals with multiple links in the outer field.
  • Turret: Fires at attackers who try to hack the portal, adding an extra layer of defense. Useful for high-traffic areas or portals under frequent attack.

Alternative Strategies:

  • Link Amp (Inner Links): If your inner field doesn't require maximum defense, consider using Link Amps on outer portals that link to the inner field to increase its size and MU gain.
  • Softbank: Depending on your available mods and resource management, you might opt for these for slightly increased defense at a lower cost.

For Inner Portals:

Maximize MU Gain:

  • Resonator: Use the highest-level resonators you have to increase the portal's energy pool, resulting in higher MU output.
  • Link Amp (Outer Links): If linked to outer portals with Link Amps, the inner field's MU gain increases considerably.

Additional Considerations:

  • Enemy Activity: If opponents actively attack your fields, prioritize defense mods. If not, focus on MU gain.
  • Portal Level: Higher-level portals benefit more from mods due to their larger energy pool.
  • Personal Preference: Experiment with different combinations to find what works best for your playstyle and resources.


  • Mod stacking is limited to 2 per players, so choose wisely.
  • Balance defense and MU gain based on your needs.
  • Adapt your strategy based on the specific situation and opponent activity.

By understanding these guidelines and tailoring your approach to your goals, you can optimize your mod usage and maximize the effectiveness of your nested control fields!