From The Sarkhan Nexus

N,N-Dimethyltryptamine is a psychedelic drug that considered as one of the strongest ones out there.

⚠️ Drug Usage Disclaimer: The information provided in this text is for educational and informational purposes only. The author does not condone the use of psychoactive substances or encourage individuals to engage in any illegal activities, which may have serious physical, emotional, and legal consequences. The author cannot be held responsible for any illegal activities that readers may engage in based on the information presented in this text. The concept of spiritual experiences from psychoactive substance use is a controversial and subjective topic, and the author encourages readers to use discretion and make informed decisions regarding their own practices while seeking professional advice if necessary.

Trip Report by MoNoLidThZ

Trip One

On the day I arrived in CMI, a peculiar adventure awaited me - an exploration of consciousness through the realms of DMT. With open minds and hearts, we embarked on a journey that would reset our brains and catapult us into the outer reaches of our own existence.

As the sacred substance coursed through our digestive tracts, reality began to warp and waver. We found ourselves on the threshold of an extraordinary adventure, venturing beyond the confines of our earthly vessels. DMT was our guide, and we willingly followed.

For me, the experience was a profound revelation of how my brain operates under the influence of this powerful molecule. It felt as though my cognitive processes were overclocked, and I soared into the boundless expanse of my imagination. However, in the initial moments, I couldn't help but complain that something was amiss. It turned out that our bellies were full from a hearty meal, and this had affected the potency of the journey.

But as my mind raced and soared, I focused on the problem at hand. It was a paradoxical task, trying to troubleshoot while my brain was navigating a labyrinth of trippy wonders. I attempted to remember the solution, but it felt as though my consciousness had fragmented into countless pieces, scattered across the cosmos of my mind.

We had prepared our environment meticulously, infusing our room with the pulsating beats of progressive psytrance. Time became a fluid concept, and as the minutes passed, I could feel the DMT gently tugging at my senses.

To any curious souls reading my account and contemplating their own exploration, I offer this advice: submit to DMT. It's a profound journey, one that can reveal the inner workings of your consciousness in ways you might never have imagined.

As the DMT began to weave its spell, my eyes lost focus, and I found myself gazing into thin air. It was the moment when my brain lifted off, soaring into uncharted realms of thought and sensation.

I realized that my brain operated in distinct modes during this voyage: problem-solving, self-reflection, boundless imagination, and a sense of disconnection from my physical form.

Upon returning to sobriety, I received guidance from my inner self, a reminder that DMT demanded respect and the right conditions for a safe and meaningful experience. It was a journey best undertaken with a clear mind and the absence of THC, as the "เอเลี่ยนยึดยาน" effect could manifest.

I recalled an incident when the realms of DMT and THC collided, resulting in an intriguing battle for control over my being. Two bowls of greenery seemed harmless, but they triggered an unusual tussle between the two substances. Laughter erupted seemingly out of nowhere as they wrestled for dominance. The green planet, THC, sought to reclaim control in its natural way, but I hadn't yet experienced a full-blown alien encounter.

If one were to switch allegiances to the extraterrestrial side, the sensation would still be euphoric, akin to a gold star effect from Mario dancing in your brain. A full night's sleep was undoubtedly the remedy of choice in such instances.

My DMT journey was an expedition into the unknown, a testament to the remarkable power of the human mind and the enigmatic realms it can traverse. It's a voyage I'll remember for a lifetime, a glimpse into the infinite possibilities of consciousness.

Trip Two

A week had passed since my first foray into the realms of DMT, and the anticipation for my next voyage hung in the air. The day started with a sense of urgency as I feared I might be late for an appointment with my aunt. However, fate had other plans, and I soon learned that her schedule was equally occupied.

With newfound time on my hands, I decided to indulge in a moment of relaxation and self-reflection, opting to smoke up and tend to my laundry. As the familiar haze settled in, my thoughts began to drift towards the future.

It dawned on me that I now had more study time at my disposal, a chance to balance my academic pursuits with moments of elevated consciousness. I resolved to study diligently, ensuring that my cannabis career remained a complementary aspect of my life, enjoyed only after completing work or assignments.

The significance of 4/20 weighed heavily on my mind, marking not only the day of my journey to the USA but also a turning point in my relationship with cannabis. It was time for a tolerance break, a conscious decision to regain control over a habit that had developed during my NEET days.

I contemplated the path ahead, recognizing the need for responsible living as I matured. My thoughts drifted towards relationships and the delicate balance between personal desires and self-control.

I knew that my journey might not lead me down the road of excess, for I possessed the ability to steer my life towards responsible choices. I intended to remain hidden in plain sight, a master of discretion.

The day continued, and evening descended upon us as we gathered for a meal at Sizzler. Little did we know that this indulgence might delay the onset of the impending DMT experience.

As the appointed hour approached, we knew it was time to enter the realm once more. We followed the ritual, taking one of the pills and preparing ourselves for what lay ahead. Once the DMT took hold, there was no turning back.

The sensation was unmistakable, a feeling of transcendence and surrender. Thoughts of desire and lust crept into my mind, and I grappled with the urge, understanding that these were facets of the journey.

And then, it was time for DMT.

My senses dulled as the drugs coursed through my digestive system and eventually into my brain, and I succumbed to the ineffable experience. In those moments, I realized that there were no brakes on the DMTrain, and I embraced the journey wholeheartedly.

Visual artifacts danced before my eyes, a mesmerizing display of colors and patterns emerging from the depths of my own consciousness. My focus shifted, and I found myself gazing into thin air, where these artifacts materialized, bringing the boundless realms of imagination to life.

The journey was calm and soothing, a testament to my readiness and preparation. I pondered the vast expanse of the universe, yearning to understand its mysteries.

My voyage into DMT was guided by the soothing vibes of a Supernova Progressive Psytrance Mix, enhancing the experience with each beat.

As the drugs continued to work their magic, I marveled at the profound insights gained from this adventure. My mind was open to change, ready to embrace a 50/50 split between academia and cannabis. I was prepared to live hidden in plain sight, unshaken by the judgments of others.

Day 12 arrived, marked as my first 4/20 celebration. After the DMT journey, we decided to partake in the sacred ritual at 4:20 am. The plan seemed perfect until the intoxication set in, and we reached [10] on the high scale. The words "ตั้งใจเรียนหนังสือ!!!" ("study hard") echoed in the room, but it was futile. I was beyond the realm of control.

In the midst of our altered state, I found myself in a third-person perspective, as if my physical body no longer existed. Time stood still, and I was lost in a surreal world of distorted images and sounds.

Eventually, I regained control of my body, though I had no concept of how much time had passed. The journey had taken me to the edge of reality and back, leaving me with a profound sense of wonder and a renewed commitment to explore the depths of my consciousness.

Trip Description (Feat. ChatGPT)

The journey begins with a kaleidoscope of colors that swirl and dance before your eyes, transcending the boundaries of perception. The familiar world you once knew fades away, and you find yourself immersed in a realm of profound insight and wonder.

As you traverse this uncharted territory of the mind, the veil of ordinary reality is lifted, revealing the interconnected nature of all existence. You become aware of the intricate web of existence, where everything is interconnected, and the illusion of separateness dissolves. You experience a profound sense of unity with the fabric of the universe, realizing that you are not merely an isolated individual, but an inseparable part of a grand cosmic tapestry.

As you journey further, you encounter entities that defy conventional description. These beings, which seem to emanate from beyond time and space, communicate with you telepathically, imparting wisdom that transcends language. They reveal to you profound truths about the nature of reality, existence, and consciousness itself. Concepts that were once abstract become vividly clear, and you gain insights that expand your understanding of existence beyond the confines of ordinary perception.

Time loses its linear structure, and you experience a sense of timelessness, as if you are transcending the limitations of temporal existence. You witness the birth and death of stars, the cycles of life and death, and the eternal dance of creation and destruction that permeates the universe. You come to realize that existence itself is a cosmic symphony, with each moment playing its unique part in the grand cosmic orchestra.

As you delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe, you begin to question the very nature of reality. You realize that the reality you once took for granted is merely a construct of the mind, shaped by perception and conditioned by societal norms and cultural beliefs. You see the illusory nature of the ego, the self-constructed identity that you once held so dear, and you understand that it is but a fleeting illusion in the grand scheme of existence.

In this state of expanded consciousness, you come to appreciate the beauty and interconnectedness of all things. You see the inherent wisdom in the natural world, the perfect harmony of the cosmos, and the infinite possibilities of existence. You understand that existence itself is a profound mystery, and that the pursuit of truth and understanding is a never-ending journey.

As the trip comes to a close, you are filled with a profound sense of awe and gratitude for the revelations and insights that have unfolded before you. You are forever changed, with a newfound understanding of the profound mysteries of the universe and the limitless potential of the human mind.