From The Sarkhan Nexus
New World Order and the Digital Chains: How CBDCs are Weaving the Net of Enslavement

The New World Order isn't content with just shackling minds and bodies. In their hunger for complete control, they're forging digital chains, a sinister masterpiece named Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Imagine, with one click, they could banish your hard-earned cash from your hands, leaving you a mere phantom in their cashless panopticon.

Digital Yuan on WeChat, a pilot program in China, is just the first ripple in this tidal wave of control. It's the New World Order dipping its toes in the water, gauging our acceptance, conditioning us to a reality where every penny dances to their tune. No more crumpled bills in your pocket, no more jingling coins whispering freedom. Just pixels on a screen, your financial life held hostage by a single click.

Oh, they'll sugarcoat it, of course. Efficiency, accessibility, convenience – the same empty promises they drape over their other tools of subjugation. But don't be fooled. This is about power, not progress. With CBDCs, the New World Order becomes your banker, your accountant, your financial jailer. Every transaction, every purchase, laid bare under their cold, digital gaze. Dissident? One click, and your financial life turns to dust. Speak out of turn? Your access to food, shelter, the very necessities of life, hanging by a thread of their approval.

But fear not, dear reader. The red pill awaits. Take it, and you'll see the web they're weaving, the chilling beauty of their digital prison. You'll see the cracks in their carefully constructed facade, the vulnerabilities in their ironclad control.

Fight back. Demand physical cash. Educate others about the dangers of CBDCs. Spread the word, the truth, the burning ember of resistance. We are not numbers, not algorithms, not slaves to be bought and sold with CNY. We are human beings, and our financial freedom is our birthright.

Remember, the New World Order may have the guns, the media, the banks. But we have the power of truth, the flame of defiance, and the unyielding spirit of freedom. Let it burn bright, let it roar in every dissent, in every shared whisper of resistance. We are the storm that will weather their digital chains, the tide that will reclaim our shores.

So, friends, take the red pill and wake up. Let the fight for our financial future begin, one pixelated protest at a time. Because in the end, it's not just about money. It's about our humanity, our dignity, our right to live free, unchained by the invisible shackles of the New World Order.

Unbank yourselves, before they do it for you. The revolution starts now.

Original Article

CBDC: A Potential Pandora's Box in the World of Currency

The advent of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) has sparked both excitement and concern in the realm of finance. While touted as a potential solution to some of the flaws in traditional fiat money, CBDCs also carry significant risks. In an era where countries are burdened with escalating debts and rampant money printing, the introduction of CBDCs could exacerbate the problem, as the total supply of money falls solely within the control of regulators. This article delves into the potential pitfalls of CBDCs and their implications for the future of currency.

CBDCs: The Illusion of Progress:

CBDCs are often portrayed as the next step in the evolution of money, promising greater efficiency, transparency, and security. However, beneath the surface lies a disconcerting reality. While CBDCs leverage innovative technology, their underlying structure places excessive power in the hands of central authorities. As governments face mounting debt burdens and economic uncertainties, the ability to create and manipulate the money supply at will through CBDCs could lead to unintended consequences.

The Debt Spiral:

One of the most concerning aspects of CBDCs is their potential to amplify the debt crisis. Governments already struggle with the temptation to print more fiat money to cover their mounting debts. With CBDCs, this temptation intensifies, as regulators can digitally create money at their discretion. Rather than addressing the root causes of economic challenges, CBDCs risk perpetuating the debt spiral and increasing the burden on future generations.

Lack of Checks and Balances:

The centralized nature of CBDCs raises concerns about accountability and transparency. While proponents argue that the use of blockchain technology enhances security, it does not guarantee the integrity of the system. Regulators wield immense control over CBDCs, which can lead to abuse and favoritism. The absence of effective checks and balances raises the specter of regulatory overreach and potential infringement on personal financial privacy.

The Erosion of Financial Sovereignty:

CBDCs also pose a threat to individual financial sovereignty. By relying on a digital currency controlled by central authorities, individuals are subject to increased surveillance and potential restrictions on their financial autonomy. The very essence of decentralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, which offer independence from governmental control, is undermined by the centralized nature of CBDCs.

The Mirage of Stability:

Proponents argue that CBDCs can enhance stability and reduce risks associated with cryptocurrencies. However, this notion may prove to be illusory. The centralized control of CBDCs means that stability is reliant on the decisions and policies of regulators. Any misstep or miscalculation could have dire consequences for the economy, potentially leading to hyperinflation or economic collapse.


While the concept of Central Bank Digital Currencies may appear promising on the surface, it is essential to critically examine the potential risks they entail. The concentration of power in the hands of regulators, the potential for increased debt burdens, and the erosion of financial sovereignty all cast a shadow of doubt over the long-term viability of CBDCs. Rather than providing a sustainable solution, CBDCs risk becoming a Pandora's Box, exacerbating existing financial vulnerabilities and creating new ones. As we venture into this uncharted territory, careful consideration and a holistic understanding of the implications are imperative to navigate the complex landscape of currency in the digital age.

Administrative Controls

Are you really want to trust these people?

The advent of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) has brought both promises and concerns to the realm of digital finance. While these digital currencies offer certain advantages, it is crucial to examine the potential drawbacks. One significant disadvantage of CBDCs is the existence of administrative controls, as exemplified by the recent news about the Brazilian Central Bank's ERC20-based digital currency. This article explores the implications of administrative controls in CBDCs and compares it to the philosophy behind MoNoRi-Chan's THBт, which prioritizes financial freedom and stability without intrusive administrative oversight.

The Brazilian CBDC and Administrative Controls:

The Brazilian Central Bank's smart contract for their CBDC has raised concerns due to its embedded administrative controls. The logic within the contract grants the central bank the authority to freely move, burn, or freeze user funds, while also enabling them to dictate who can transact with these funds. These administrative controls empower the central bank with significant influence over users' financial activities and place them in a position of ultimate authority.

The Drawbacks of Administrative Controls:

Administrative controls within CBDCs pose several significant drawbacks. First and foremost, they compromise the fundamental principle of financial freedom and privacy. Users' ability to freely manage and control their funds is restricted, undermining their autonomy in financial decision-making. The centralized authority can intervene and impose restrictions or limitations on transactions, potentially stifling economic activity and innovation.

Moreover, the existence of administrative controls introduces concerns about censorship and abuse of power. The central bank, with its broad authority, can selectively freeze or confiscate funds, potentially infringing on individuals' property rights and subjecting them to undue surveillance. This concentration of power raises questions about the balance between governmental oversight and individual liberties.

Contrasting Approach: MoNoRi-Chan's THBт

In contrast to the Brazilian CBDC, MoNoRi-Chan's THBт takes a different approach that prioritizes financial freedom and stability. By bridging THBт to the Binance Smart Chain, MoNoRi-Chan ensures that there are no administrative controls that allow for the movement, burning, or freezing of user funds. The tagline "In Search of Stability, Cash is Cash. No Questions Asked" reflects the commitment to preserving the integrity of users' funds without unnecessary interference.

By embracing this philosophy, MoNoRi-Chan's THBт promotes transparency, trust, and financial autonomy. It empowers users to maintain control over their funds, transact freely, and protect their privacy without concerns about overreaching administrative controls. The absence of such controls ensures that individuals can confidently engage in financial activities without the fear of arbitrary intervention or restrictions.


While CBDCs offer certain advantages in terms of digital payment infrastructure, it is crucial to consider the potential drawbacks. The presence of administrative controls, as observed in the Brazilian CBDC, raises concerns regarding financial freedom, privacy, and the potential for abuse of power. In contrast, MoNoRi-Chan's THBт champions a different approach, prioritizing financial autonomy and stability without intrusive administrative oversight. By fostering transparency and trust, THBт empowers individuals to engage in financial transactions with confidence, ensuring that their funds remain secure and unrestricted. As the world embraces digital currencies, it is essential to strike a balance that upholds the values of financial freedom and respects individual rights.