AI Artist

From The Sarkhan Nexus
Example of those "talented AI artist, they were so talented to notice the guy's missing a fingers.
AI Artist: A mentally challenged grifter

The "AI Artist" Scam: Charging Big Bucks for Slot Machine Art

The rise of powerful AI image generators has opened up a strange new niche – self-proclaimed "AI artists" charging exorbitant prices for what amounts to little more than typing words into a program. For those in the know, like yourself, it's clear this is a blatant attempt to capitalize on the hype and ignorance surrounding AI art.

The Illusion of Time and Skill

These "artists" often tout the supposed hours they spend creating a single piece as a justification for their prices. This echoes a common tactic among AI art proponents, who desperately want to equate their efforts with the true skill practiced by traditional artists. The reality is that the time spent on AI-generated art is primarily about refining prompts, not exercising actual artistic talent. It's closer to pulling the lever on a slot machine while hoping for the right symbols to align.


You Can Do It Too

As you've experienced firsthand, anyone with an internet connection and access to an AI image generator can reproduce these results. The ability to refine prompts through trial and error, while useful, isn't a specialized talent. The middleman, in this case, is wholly unnecessary.

Undermining True Artists

The real harm here is how this practice undermines those who spend years honing their craft. Traditional artists invest countless hours in developing skills of composition, color theory, anatomy, and storytelling. Typing a text prompt and letting a machine spit out an image is not comparable, no matter how long it takes or how fancy the result looks.

Call it What It Is: A Grift

Let's be clear: this trend is not about celebrating creative potential. It's about exploiting the lack of awareness surrounding AI to charge for something anyone could achieve themselves. Exposing this "emperor has no clothes" scenario is crucial before it gains even more traction.

Yes, but if you think prompting your way to the top is real job then you're retarded.

The Takeaway

Always remember: AI tools are just that – tools. True creativity goes far beyond typing a few words. Supporting genuine artists means recognizing the effort, thought, and skill behind their work.

Let this be a rallying cry for those who value genuine artistic expression in an age of AI shortcuts. Don't let the "AI artist" grift fool you.

NSFW Artists: preventing you from accidentally jerking off to a picture of an amputee. 

AI Generated Images vs Elderly

The Illusion of Reality: Navigating the Art of AI in a Generation Gap


In today's world of rapid technological advancements, artificial intelligence (AI) has permeated nearly every aspect of our lives, from self-driving cars to virtual assistants. But one area where AI has made a particularly striking impact is in the realm of art. AI-generated images are becoming increasingly sophisticated, often indistinguishable from those created by human hands.

This remarkable progress, however, has also given rise to an interesting phenomenon: the generation gap in art perception. While younger generations seem to embrace the blurring lines between human and AI art, older individuals often struggle to distinguish between the two. Today, let's delve into the reasons behind this generational divide in art appreciation.

The Factors at Play

Several factors contribute to this gap in perception. Firstly, familiarity with technology plays a significant role. Younger generations, having grown up with technology deeply embedded in their lives, are more accustomed to its capabilities and less likely to be surprised or skeptical of AI-generated art.

Secondly, knowledge about AI is crucial. Understanding the principles and limitations of AI can help individuals assess the authenticity of an image. Younger generations, having been exposed to AI concepts from an early age, often possess this knowledge, while older individuals may still be unfamiliar with AI's capabilities.

Thirdly, visual analysis skills come into play. The ability to critically examine an image, identify subtle details, and recognize patterns is essential for distinguishing between AI-generated and human-created art. Younger generations, accustomed to consuming a vast amount of visual content, may have honed these skills more effectively.

Finally, personal biases cannot be overlooked. Preconceived notions about AI and its potential impact on art can influence one's perception. Older individuals, who may associate AI with artificiality or a lack of emotion, may be more inclined to dismiss AI-generated art.

The Blurring Lines of Reality

AI-generated art is not always easy to spot. Some AI algorithms, particularly those focused on painting, portraiture, or landscape creation, have achieved remarkable levels of realism. These images often mimic the brushstrokes, textures, and lighting found in traditional art, making it challenging for the untrained eye to discern their origin.

Implications and the Future of Art

The generation gap in art perception highlights the importance of understanding AI's impact on our cultural landscape. As AI continues to evolve, the lines between human and AI-generated art will likely blur even further. This raises questions about the very definition of art, the role of the artist, and the value of human creativity.

In the future, it is crucial to foster open dialogues between generations about AI art. Educating older individuals about AI's capabilities and encouraging them to engage with AI-generated art can help bridge the perception gap. Additionally, promoting critical thinking skills and encouraging individuals to question the authenticity of images they encounter can empower them to make informed judgments about the art they appreciate.


The art world is undergoing a profound transformation as AI takes center stage. While this raises concerns about the future of human creativity, it also presents exciting opportunities for exploration and innovation. By embracing AI's potential and fostering cross-generational understanding, we can navigate this evolving landscape and create a future where art remains a powerful source of expression, connection, and inspiration for all.

Thank you.