
From The Sarkhan Nexus
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"Parents Pay Me to Go to School": A Teenager's Facebook Profile Occupation Sparking Controversy

In the age of booming social media, many people use these platforms to express themselves. One way is through listing an occupation on their profiles. Beyond traditional jobs, some teenagers have begun using the term "Parents Pay Me to Go to School."

Meaning and Origin

"Parents Pay Me to Go to School" refers to teenagers who live their lives without having to work or earn money independently. Their parents cover all their expenses. Some may attend school while others simply enjoy a carefree lifestyle without any responsibilities.


Teenagers who list this occupation on Facebook may be partly driven by the desire to appear "cool," reflecting their perceived good financial standing and lack of financial worries.

Diverse Perspectives

However, the "Parents Pay Me to Go to School" occupation also sparks debate within society. Some view it as bragging about wealth and reflecting a selfish attitude.

Deeper Insights

1. Reflection on Parents: Using the word "pay" might be interpreted as the child viewing their parents as "service providers," potentially lacking respect.

2. Reflection on Self: The child might view themselves as the "center of the universe," expecting everything to revolve around them.

3. Reflection on Family Relationships: The child might feel a lack of guidance or instruction, with parents prioritizing earning money over fostering a strong bond.

Lessons for Parents

1. Prioritize Guidance and Instruction: Instill values and responsibility in your children.

2. Open Communication: Talk to your children and understand their perspectives.

3. Build Strong Relationships: Spend quality time together.

4. Emphasize the Value of Work: Teach your children the value of money and effort.

"Parents Sold Land and Buffalo to Send Me to School": Escalating the Intensity

"Parents Sold Land and Buffalo to Send Me to School" highlights the immense sacrifices parents make to send their children to school.

Food for Thought

This phrase reflects the expectations parents often have for their children: graduation and success. However, it's important to acknowledge that the definition of success itself is evolving. For some, particularly older generations (Boomers), job security and stability might be paramount. However, for Gen Z, financial stability is equally important, but they might not be willing to settle for low-paying jobs solely for stability. They might prioritize higher-paying careers, even if they come with less certainty. Ultimately, defining success is a personal journey, and parents can only provide guidance; the individual ultimately decides their own path.

Thought-Provoking Questions

1. Are parents putting too much pressure on their children?

2. Do children appreciate their parents' sacrifices?

3. How can children repay their parents' dedication?


"Parents Pay Me to Go to School" reflects a social snapshot, revealing aspects of teenage thinking, the role of parents, and broader societal issues. It also highlights the evolving definition of success across generations.

Important Questions

1. What is true "success"? (This answer will likely differ for individuals and generations.)

2. What should we prioritize more: "money" or "relationships"? (Finding a healthy balance is crucial.)

3. How can we build "warm and nurturing families"? (Open communication, understanding, and quality time are key.)

4. How can we create a "sustainable society"? (This requires addressing issues like wealth disparity and creating opportunities for all.)

5. What does the "future of Thai children" hold? (This depends on the values we instill in them and the opportunities we provide.)

Share Your Thoughts

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The future of Thai children lies in the hands of us all.

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