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Tfw You are Exit liquidity

Introducing the fictional character of ชาญ4ตา, the antagonist in the Promom Arc. ชาญ4ตา is known for freeloading off MoNoRi-Chan's mom, taking advantage of her kindness and generosity. Their story begins in 2018 when MoNoRi-Chan's mom resided in the 7ยอด (Chet Yod) neighborhood of Chiang Mai, where she extended her hospitality to ชาญ4ตา. However, after she left for the USA to seek job opportunities and lost contact, MoNoRi-Chan's mom instructed him to visit Ched Yod and reconnect with her.

In Ched Yod, his mom became involved in an investment scheme called "Promom" or เงินบุญ, which was nothing more than a disguised Ponzi scheme. Blinded by greed, she invested heavily in it, unknowingly denying MoNoRi-Chan the opportunity to build his own generational wealth. It became evident during MoNoRi-Chan's vacation in Thailand in 2022, where he coincidentally flew on the same flight as his mom.

It was clear that ชาญ4ตา had influenced his mom to continue investing, straining their relationship. MoNoRi-Chan, with the help of his friends, aims to expose the scheme and bring all those involved, including ชาญ4ตา, to justice. The freeloading mentality of ชาญ4ตา is apparent, as she lives in government public housing and remains unemployed. MoNoRi-Chan's mom, under her influence, has repeatedly supported ชาญ4ตา financially, providing necessities such as a wheelchair and air conditioning for her apartment.

MoNoRi-Chan's friends have warned him to avoid any contact with ชาญ4ตา at all costs. As MoNoRi-Chan's mom began to realize that ชาญ4ตา had been taking advantage of her hard-earned resources, she stopped providing financial assistance for the sake of her own financial situation in the USA, where she still had unpaid bills to address.

In this Promom Arc, the character of ชาญ4ตา represents the negative influence of greed and manipulation, highlighting the importance of financial awareness and avoiding fraudulent schemes.

Using Mom as Exit liquidity

In the intricate web of financial schemes and manipulation, ชาญ4ตา, the antagonist in the Promom Arc, masterfully exploits the concept of exit liquidity to benefit herself at the expense of MoNoRi-Chan's mom. Exit liquidity refers to the ability to convert an investment or asset into cash or other liquid assets easily and quickly.

One notable incident occurred in June 2022, when ชาญ4ตา attempted to utilize MoNoRi-Chan's name on the mortgage for her house. Recognizing the warning signs and the potential consequences, MoNoRi-Chan wisely foresaw the impending danger. He realized that assuming the mortgage would burden him with a financial obligation for a property he had no intention of residing in any time soon. With a keen understanding of the situation, he refused to be drawn into a debt that could have long-term repercussions.

ชาญ4ตา, on the other hand, viewed MoNoRi-Chan's mom as a source of exit liquidity, using her to secure financial benefits and exploit her resources. By involving MoNoRi-Chan's name in the mortgage, she aimed to shift the burden and potential financial liability onto him, ultimately safeguarding her own interests while putting MoNoRi-Chan's future at risk.

MoNoRi-Chan's cautious approach and ability to identify the red flags demonstrated his financial acumen and a determination to protect his own financial stability. He refused to be used as an exit liquidity tool, recognizing the potential consequences of entangling himself in a financial situation that did not align with his goals and aspirations.

Through the character of ชาญ4ตา, the story sheds light on the importance of financial vigilance, the significance of making informed decisions, and the need to protect oneself from individuals who seek to exploit exit liquidity for personal gain. It serves as a reminder to exercise caution and prudence when navigating complex financial landscapes, ensuring that one's financial well-being remains intact.

Closing Thoughts

In the complex dynamics of human behavior, selfishness and selflessness often intertwine, revealing themselves as two sides of the same coin. The character of ชาญ4ตา exemplifies this duality, presenting a stark contrast between her desire to donate food to the monks daily and her relentless freeloading off MoNoRi-Chan's mom.

The stark contrast between ชาญ4ตา's actions is illuminated when examining the improvements made to their living conditions. MoNoRi-Chan's mom, driven by a selfless intention, brought about positive changes such as installing mosquito wire screens, purchasing air conditioners and refrigerators, and other enhancements to improve their quality of life. Yet, in the face of such generosity, ชาญ4ตา's insatiable demand for more money reveals a deep-seated selfishness that contradicts her purported goodwill.

This raises profound questions about the true intention behind acts of merit. Are they carried out with genuine selflessness and compassion, or are they merely a means to an end, a way to manipulate others and extract personal gain? The actions of ชาญ4ตา prompt us to question the authenticity of her supposed altruism and reflect on the potential motivations behind acts of giving.

Through the character of ชาญ4ตา, the story serves as a reminder that true selflessness requires sincerity and a genuine concern for the well-being of others. It challenges us to critically examine our own actions and motivations, ensuring that our intentions align with the spirit of selflessness and compassion rather than exploiting others for personal gain.

Ultimately, the tale of ชาญ4ตา invites us to contemplate the intricate balance between selfishness and selflessness, urging us to cultivate genuine empathy and compassion in our interactions with others. By doing so, we can strive to create a world where acts of merit are driven by pure intentions and where selflessness triumphs over selfish desires.