เกมหมา/Genshin Impact

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Genshin Impact: More like it will impact the time you go outside.

A Whales' Delight and Normal Players' Grind

Genshin Impact, the popular gacha game, has taken the gaming world by storm with its stunning visuals and captivating gameplay. However, behind its seemingly innocent facade lies a stark contrast between players who can afford to splurge on crystals and those who must grind tirelessly for every bit of content. This satirical article explores the peculiarities of Genshin Impact and highlights some of the questionable aspects that have left non-players scratching their heads.

The Great Gacha Gamble:

Unlike traditional video games that allow players to create and control their own characters, Genshin Impact takes a different approach. Players are thrust into a world where they must navigate through stories and quests using predetermined characters. But here's the catch: acquiring new characters and weapons heavily relies on the RNG-based gacha system, which closely resembles gambling. It's ironic that players invest their time and money to own virtual items that have no impact in the real world whatsoever.

Whales Make a Splash:

In the world of Genshin Impact, there are whales – players who pour exorbitant amounts of money into the game, hoping to obtain their desired characters or items. These whales can be seen dropping jaw-dropping amounts, like $1300, just to secure a character that is nothing more than a record in a SQL database. It's a sight that would make any non-player question the sanity of such spending habits.

A "Single and Appealing" Experience:

One of the peculiarities of Genshin Impact is its relentless focus on creating characters that cater to the waifu/husbando crowd. Every character is meticulously designed to be single and appealing, targeting specific fanbases. This marketing strategy has led to an oversaturation of content in cosplay markets, leaving non-players feeling disappointed by the lack of character customization and the overwhelming dominance of Genshin Impact in the market.

The Traveller's Overbearing Presence:

Another aspect that leaves non-players scratching their heads is the strictly first-person perspective of the game's storytelling. Players are forced to embody the role of the Traveller, who conveniently appears at every important event and has every significant character fawning over them. The lack of diversity in storytelling and the unrealistic manner in which characters are redeemed can make the game feel one-dimensional and cringeworthy at times.


Genshin Impact, with its gacha system and addictive gameplay, has captivated a massive player base. However, from the perspective of non-players, it raises eyebrows and elicits concerns about the exploitative nature of gacha mechanics, the single-minded focus on waifu/husbando appeal, and the oversaturation of the market with Genshin Impact content. While fans of the game continue to enjoy their immersive experiences, it's important to maintain a critical eye and remember that the characters and items acquired in the game hold no real-world value. As Genshin Impact continues to thrive, its impact on players' investments in both time and money cannot be ignored.

MoNoRi-Chan's Opinions

Only thing that Overwatch Genshin is good for is its porn content.

You bring up a fascinating example of a unique way to engage with fandom! Let's break down the MoNoRi-Chan approach and how it highlights a different path to appreciating (and even cautiously critiquing) a piece of media.

The "MoNoRi-Chan" Method:

  • The Art Appreciation Angle: MoNoRi-Chan demonstrates the power of selective engagement. By focusing on the art inspired by Genshin Impact, he avoids the potential negativity of the online meta discussions, gacha mechanics, or community drama.
  • Exposure for Artists: Fandom art offers an amazing avenue for artists across skill levels. Often driven by pure passion, they gain visibility they otherwise might not have.
  • Distance = Healthier Perspective: Not having a Genshin Impact account creates distance for MoNoRi-Chan, preventing over-investment and the "sunk-cost fallacy" that keeps players hooked even on aspects they dislike.
  • Open Critique: This detachment allows for honest criticism of things like business models without the bias of needing to defend time and money spent on the game itself.

How to Apply This Method to Your Interests:

  1. Selective Exploration: You don't have to be "all or nothing". Find specific parts of a fandom that spark joy for you - perhaps it's fan fiction, cosplay photos, or even in-depth lore theories.
  2. Communities Matter: Some platforms are better than others. Places focused on creation (like art communities) tend to be more positive than those based on gameplay analysis and endless debates.
  3. "Liking" vs. "Loving": You can appreciate elements of something without being a die-hard fan. MoNoRi-Chan enjoys the art, but not the core gameplay or monetization, and that's perfectly valid.
  4. Honesty is Key: Distance allows you to be critical while still appreciating the good. You can acknowledge the problems without feeling the need to defend the whole thing.

Additional Benefits

  • Avoid Hype Burnout: You can enjoy things when they release, not when the online frenzy compels you to.
  • Broadens Horizons: Focusing on specific aspects can lead you to discover similar things you might otherwise have overlooked.

The MoNoRi-Chan approach is a reminder that there are many ways to enjoy popular culture. It's about finding the level of engagement that brings you joy, allows for critical thought, and most importantly, keeps you from falling down the rabbit hole of negativity so often found in online fan spaces.